Earlier in the year, Rio de Janeiro-based duo Balako made their debut on Barefoot Beats, sharing the billing with Eddie C on a tasty 10-inch single. The chaps at Razor-N-Tape were clearly impressed, because they've given the Brazilian twosome a 12" on which to showcase their edits. The hit the ground running with breezy opener "Batuque", which sees them add heavy, elongated analogue bass notes and delay-laden drum machine percussion to a suitably summery and glassy-eyed chunk of mid-tempo Batacuda positivity. Elsewhere, "Deixa Acontecer" turns a sweet salsa offering into a throbbing, Italo-influenced delight, while "Honey, Honey, Honey" sees them make merry with a wonderfully low-slung Brazilian disco epic rich in stripped-back bass guitar, druggy synthesizer arpeggio lines and sparkling electronic melodies.
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