Karen Gwyer explores the Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase stage
The London-based US artist returns with a new record for Don’t Be Afraid.
Earlier this year saw Don’t Be Afraid join a storied cast of underground concerns – including Nous, Opal Tapes, Patten’s Kaleidoscope and No Pain In Pop – to dabble in the stomping dark arts that Karen Gwyer is renowned for, seeking out the Ann Arbor-born artist for a contribution to their irregular split 12″ series. Sidling up alongside Bosconi associate Dukwa, the unknown Raven Cru and previous DBA contributor Lily, Gwyer’s wonderfully-named “Mom Did It On The Plane” arrived just ahead of her excellent split 12″ with Beatrice Dillon on Alien Jams.
Forever a label to develop ongoing relationships with the artists they work with, Don’t Be Afraid have now coaxed a full 12″ of material out of Gwyer in the shape of the upcoming Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase. Due to arrive in early September, the three-track 12″ looks to find a balance between the improvised tear-outs of Gwyer’s live shows and the more psychedelic tones of her previous studio concoctions. You can stream the stomping, kinetic beat down of B-side closer “Meiosis Gametes” below for an idea of what to expect.
Don’t Be Afraid will release Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase by Karen Gwyer on September 2.
A1. Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase
B1. And Again Those Eyes
B2. Meiosis Gametes
Header photo courtesy of Camille Blake
Don’t Be Afraid on Juno