You’re Me explore Plant Cell Division
Vancouver pair Yu Su and Scott Johnson Gailey will debut on 1080p next month.
Cassette output from 1080p this year has seen the label gently sway between local Vancouver artists (the highly promising debut release from Laura Sparrow’s LNS project) and those from further afield with tapes by Kansas City’s Body San and Dutch pair Betonkust & Palmbomen II. The figurative pendulum swings back towards the Canadian Riviera for the next 1080p cassette which highlights the You’re Me collaboration of Vancouver producers Yu Su and Scott Johnson Gailey. Fans of the excellent Sanpo Disco mixsite may be familiar with Yu Su, who contributed a fine selection as BB YU earlier this year and she’s also recently released a solo cassette on local Vancouver label Genero Sound that is worth investigating.
The You’re Me project with Scott Johnson Gailey finds the pair crafting ambient electronics informed by the soundscapes and ecology of their local terrain in British Columbia, with the upcoming Plant Cell Division their debut release. Recorded in a room on Salt Spring Island in view of Mt. Tuam and the Salish Sea with a spread of new gear, the nine tracks find You’re Me improvise with “shift, collage, layering, pseudoscience, and replicating organics”. You can get a taste of their immersive sound on opening track, “Applet W.” which can be streamed below.
1080p will release Plant Cell Division by You’re Me on April 29.
1. Applet W.
2. ilu
3. Oot Re Mi
4. Tabletalk
5. Lucidity
6. Loi
7. Walled Garden
8. Clear Panel
9. Soft Opening
1080p on Juno / Junodownload