Beatrice Dillon inaugurates the MBE Series
The Trilogy Tapes affiliate has mixed the first in an ongoing series of mixtapes from the new Naples label.
The MBE Series is a new endeavour from NPLGNN, a Naples-based artist noted for his production work for Where To Now? and OKNO, and pays homage to a local Neopolitan mixtape hero. Standing for Mixed By Erry, the new label takes its title from a mythical and somewhat anonymous pirate figure within Naples called Erry with no clear ties to music who issued a series of low-key cassette mixes in the late ’80s and early ’90s. Each of these cassettes came emblazoned with the phrase, “The ideal dimension for a clean listening,” and helped cultivate both the myth of Erry and the diffusion of new music within Naples.
It’s the spirit of trying to discover this “ideal dimension” which drives the MBE Series which is due to commence early next month with a 90-minute selection from Where To Now? label associate Beatrice Dillon. This is quite a coup given how highly-regarded she has become in recent months. If you are familiar with the Folkways II cassette mix Dillon released through The Trilogy Tapes or have listened to her Truants mix, you will know she has quite the intriguing record collection and it’s on full display with this mix. A brief preview of the selections can be heard below with the MBE Series bandcamp taking pre-orders now.
MBE Series will release MBE Series 001 by Beatrice Dillon on November 2.
Side A: Untitled
Side B: Untitled
Beatrice Dillon on Juno