Leif heads into broken beat territory for Idle Hands
The British producer will release Life Through Analogies on the Bristol label in May.
While it may be more than a year since Dinas Oleu dropped on Fear Of Flying, it feels as though the resonance of Leif Knowles’ debut album has been lingering in the air at a time when so many releases are forgotten in a matter of weeks. There have been some more hushed outings for the Swedish-Welsh, London-based artist on Sudden Drop in the mean time, but in the course of an eleven-year career he has noticeably slowed down his release rate which no doubt helps a record linger in the memory. With the slower pace it has been possible to tangibly chart the sonic evolution of the man equally involved in the UntilMyHeartStops label and the Freerotation festival, as gradually more experimental aesthetics have nestled in amongst the pastoral melodics and delicate percussion.
The Sudden Drop releases Cloud Hidden and Nour & Light have pointed towards this progression, but the single just announced for Idle Hands is arguably an even more notable leap into territory away from the sleek house structures of Leif’s earlier work. It’s the first time he has appeared on the Bristol label, and the three tracks he has delivered deal in sound sources and drum patterns of a more fractious nature, albeit peppered with the harmonious tones that have always marked out his music. Idle Hands has already had a very strong start to 2015 with the Strategy LP and a single from I.A. Bericochea, while Leif is equally gearing up for a productive one with a second album in the works for release later in the year.
Idle Hands will release Life Through Analogies by Leif in May.
A1. Life Through Analogies
B1. MyHeartStoppedBeating
B2. Salix