Tri Angle introduce Boothroyd
Stream a track from the London-based Mancunian’s forthcoming Idle Hours EP.
By their own admission, it seems like Tri Angle Records have been waiting a long time to unleash the music of their latest singing Boothroyd – dig around the search engines and you’ll find the label first revealed his signature way back in the dark days of March this year. Today, Tri Angle formally introduced 21-year old Mancunian producer Boothroyd (pictured above) with his debut release, Idle Hours, pencilled in to drop late next month. Despite being a new musical voice, Boothroyd seems well suited for the label’s roster that also houses SD Laika, Vessel and Evian Christ on the basis of “NYC”, the lead nugget of content-tease from the forthcoming single. Available to stream below, “NYC” unfolds into five minutes of unsettling, jarring sound design with little concern for rhythm or respite, save for a brief descent into calming silence midway through.
Header image courtesy of Becky Lamming