Function and Vatican Shadow team up on new album
The Games Have Rules LP will arrive via Hospital Productions next month.
Earlier this week Downwards let slip news that Dominick Fernow had collaborated with the Ugandan Methods pairing of Regis and Ancient Methods for an upcoming Dial B For Beauty 12″, and now details surface of a more substantial collaboration between the Hospital Productions boss and another former Sandwell District alumnus. Games Have Rules finds Fernow adopting his Vatican Shadow mantle and working with Dave ‘Function’ Sumner for the latest curveball album project on Hospital Productions, following long players from Alessandro Cortini, Ninos Du Brasil and Ron Morelli.
Due for release next month, the seven-track album was recorded between Berlin and New York, and apparently began life as “an ’emotional acid’ album best suited for an after-hours home listening experience,” heavily inspired by the twilight hours spent in Fernow’s Hospital Productions studio in the latter city. A press release goes on to state Games Have Rules finds the two producers casting aside the production methods most commonly associated with each other, resulting in an album of “dynamic electronic ambient music, equal parts rhythmic and atmospheric.”
Hospital Productions will release Games Have Rules by Function and Vatican Shadow on September 22.
1. Things Known
2. Things Unknown
3. The Nemesis Flower
4. A Year Has Passed
5. A Year Has Gone By
6. Red Opium
7. Bejeweled Body