Introducing our guest editor for the week – Amon Tobin
Amon Tobin takes the Juno Daily helm for the week

Hello all,
When Juno Daily asked Amon Tobin, to be the guest editor of the site this week, running up to the release of ‘West Coast Love Stories’, the first album under his new moniker Stone Giants, it was a shot in the dark.
What would the renowned producer pick to highlight and champion? After all it is 25 years this year since his first album release signalled his unique approach to sound and in the subsequent years he has never stood still; always subverting, searching, inventing and influencing. It has been quite a ride.
A couple of years ago he launched Nomark Records so that he could reveal even more ways us mere mortals could appreciate and explore the possibilities of electronic music. Nomark has released two Amon Tobin albums since 2019 and aliases as diverse as the tempestuous rock electronica of Only Child Tyrant, the delicately delicious psych folk of Figueroa, and the lush and moving sounds of Stone Giants, as well as delivering another blistering album, from his long term bass project Two Fingers. Tobin has rarely stepped from behind the curtain like this and Juno Daily is grateful that he took the time to share some of his current favourites with us. So what’s coming up
Well later in the week, there’ll be a full interview where Tobin explains how Stone Giants fits into his current world of multi-monikered producing, as well as the thinking behind this specific album.
But there’s a lot more to it than that. Given free reign to cover whatever he wanted, he commissioned – well, asked nicely – the mighty Little Snake to do an hour long mix for your delectation. Anyone who witnessed his online session for the virtual Two Fingers party hosted by Nomark last year will know exactly how mindbendingly intense the lad from Calgary is capable of being – and he does not disappoint, we can tell you.
Beyond that, Amon pinned down a few of his favourite studio collaborators and asked them a selection of questions from the profound to the downright daft. He also talks about one of his favourite ever albums in Dusted Down and took over the Big Up section to shout about a producer whose work is worthy of high praise.
All in all, it should be a fun five days – and five days you won’t want to miss if you’re an Amon Tobin fan.
Check out Amon’s interview with Thijs de Vlieger