Planet Mu favourites with Rudi Zygadlo
With Mike Paradinas currently based in the outskirts of Chicago on a scouting mission for the latest juke producers, fledgling London label Pictures Music have sidled in and sweet talked the label’s production virtuouso Rudi Zygadlo into releasing a one-off 12″ with them.
Entitled Achtung, the four track EP was released yesterday and sees the exotically named Zygadlo draw further on the unique brand of electronic music first evidenced on his debut LP – last year’s Great Western Laymen. Scattergun rhythmic directions, intricate instrumentation, neon tinged synth lines and multi-layered vocal harmonies are all present and correct. Furthermore, Achtung draws a nice line between Zygadlo’s quieter sonic leanings which fill out the A Side and a more beat-driven side on the flip, with the excellent shuddering 4/4 flex of the title track and the expansive bass shimmers of “The Deaf School”.
All this is in advance of Rudi’s second album for the Planet Mu imprint, which is currently in something akin to a rich vein of form thanks to some excellent LPs this year from Machinedrum, Chrissy Murderbot, Rashad, Boxcutter and Falty DL – which will soon be joined by the equally good Kuedo and Tropics long players! Hence we thought it would be interesting to see which tracks from the label’s lengthy back catalogue resonated most with one if its most promising talents.
1. Luke Vibert – “Comfycozy” from Chicago, Detroit, Redruth 2007
“”My sister lived in Redruth when this came out. This is the opening track and with no 303 it is a welcome sore thumb. Addictive piano passage.”
2. Eero Johannes – “Lipton Service Boy” from Eero Johannes 2008
“Another album opener. Eero Johannes’ debut was a great source of inspiration when it appeared in 2008. It helped me consolidate my own ideas re flirting with dubstep. And introduced me to Skweee.”
3. Ceephax Acid Crew – “The Celebrity” from United Acid Emirates 2010
“Uncompromising hedonism. Great key modulation. Great synth solo. Great tune!”
(Great artwork too!)
4. Venetian Snares – “Coke Ajax” from Huge Chrome Cylinder Box Unfolding 2004
“My favourite Snares album still. When I heard this in 2004-5, my friend Adam and I agreed the benchmark had been raised to an unreachable height. File under robotic malfunction.”
5. Mu-ziq – on/off from Bilious Paths 2003
“One of the first albums I heard on Mu. Fantastic club track. Dirty lyrics. Maniacal laughing. If I’m right: ‘Get those panties on, Take those panties off!’ Made in 2003 but timeless.”
6. Kuedo – ‘Whisper Fate’ from Severant (Forthcoming)
“This is one of those little aural vignettes that will grace my playlists for years to come. Glad of Jamie’s return, and his new shimmering colours.”
7. Boxcutter – ‘Bloscid’ from Glyphic 2007
A little acidic gem from Barry Lynn’s epic second album which took dubstep into organic free form realms. This was another album which helped me realises my own sound.
8. Chevron – ‘Rudy the Techno Pioneer’ from Everything’s Exactly The Same 2005
“Got my homophonous name in it, innit. I also loved “Polyphonic Ring Tone” and “Going Outta My Head” from this album.”
9. Solar Bears – ‘The Quiet Planet’ – from She was Coloured in 2010
“Fresh and evocative stuff from the Dubliners. This is an irresistible tune and if I may say so it shares a sensibility with Filthy Logic. Coming to a town near you in November with an other Mu act.”
10. Leafcutter John – ‘Arches Never Sleep’ from Housebound Spirit 2005
“Haunting, minimal, lento, mechanical reggae. With charming whistle-chorus. Mesmeric stuff. Bought this album in Paris in 2005 along with an overlooked jazz fusion album with post-.Genesis Phil Collins called Brand X.”