Livid launches OhmRGB MIDI Instrument
Hand built in Austin, Texas, the OhmRGB is a 16.5″ x 9.5″ x 1.75″ USB bus powered controller that is perfect for use for dj’ing, visuals, lighting and presentations.
In addition to the 16 rotary knobs, crossfader and eight channel faders the OhmRGB features a grid of 81 back lit buttons each of which is programmable with seven colors available to create custom maps and settings. As well as the USB, the OhmRGB also sports 5 PIN DIN MIDI In and Out ports plus 1/4″ TRS expansion jacks for added functionailty (ie foot-pedals and single analog controls).
The OhmRGB works with any software that supports MIDI including Ableton Live, Native Instruments Traktor, Propellerhead’s Reason and Record, Max/MSP, Max for Live, Renoise, MLRV2, Luminair, Cell DNA, and Arkaos Grand VJ. There are also Open Source software tools to create your own LED talkback interaction.
The OhmRGB is set to ship from July 25 2011. Check out the below video for a more detailed look into how the unit works.
OhmRGB and OhmModes with Ableton Live from Livid Instruments on Vimeo.