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Home  Tags  Slew limiter module


Tags: Slew limiter module

Products tagged as Slew limiter module
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Intellijel Noise Tools 1U Clock/Random Pulse/Analogue Noise/Sample & Hold/Slew Module
Intellijel Noise Tools 1U Clock/Random Pulse/Analogue Noise/Sample & Hold/Slew Module (clock generator/noise/random/sample & hold/slew limiter synth module)
Cat: 643383 Rel: 27 Mar 17
Utility module featuring Clock, Random Pulse, Analog Noise, Sample/Hold & Slew
Notes: Noise Random Tools comprises a collection of useful utility blocks that you could use in many of your patches - Clock, Random Pulse, Analog Noise, Sample and Hold, and Slew.


- Clock and Random pulse source with adjustable rate
- Analog pink and white noise source with very accurate spectrum
- Analog sample / track and hold with very low droop
- Analog slew with adjustable slew rate
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 1 in stock $109.38
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quote 643383
Klavis CalTrans Programmable Volt/Octave CV Calibrator & Transposer Module (silver)
Klavis CalTrans Programmable Volt/Octave CV Calibrator & Transposer Module (silver) (quantizer/tuner/utility/quad/slew limiter synth module)
Cat: 767379 Rel: 16 Apr 20
calibrator & transposer module
Notes: Clever four-channel utility module designed to make it easier to achieve perfect oscillator tracking and transpose CV signals. Also includes some neat quantising and portamento features.

Supplier notes:
The CalTrans solves issues encountered when playing tonal music with a modular system: tracking problems, curves unrelated to Volt per octave ratio, limited octave range, cumbersome transpose, ...

The CalTrans corrects and expands the range of troublesome VCOs and brings V/Oct tracking to anything that oscillates.

Besides calibration, the CalTrans offers live play features. Each channel can be quantized and any combination of them transposed jointly.

A pair of rotary encoders with detent allow an precise selection of octaves and semitones.

VCOs whose tracking doesn't go high enough to follow the leader will see their pitch repositioned in their highest possible octave so that the global harmony is unaffected.

You can add a pinch of portamento and glissando to each channel and save the whole in user presets.
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MRP:$178.29 SAVE 12%
 1 in stock $156.41
Cosmotronic Delta-V Dual Amped Envelope Generator Module (black)
Cosmotronic Delta-V Dual Amped Envelope Generator Module (black) (CV modulation/envelope generator/LFO/polarizer/slew limiter/utility/VCA synth module)
Cat: 803494 Rel: 20 May 21
CV modulation/envelope generator/LFO/polariser/slew limiter/utility/VCA module
Notes: Delta-V is a fully analogue dual-channel function generator, featuring a dedicated VCA and LFO cycle switch for each channel. It packs a great deal of functionality in only 10HP, and will surely find use in almost every patch.

Generate envelopes, slew gates and signals, or run LFOs with precise control over attack and decay times. Using the SHAPE knob, Delta-v can create a wide range of envelopes, from very snappy exponential curves for percussion to logarithmic thumps for bass lines.

If VCA's input is unpatched, the module outputs a regular voltage envelope. When an audio signal is patched into the VCA input, the output signal becomes the audio signal amplified by the envelope.

Sending other envelopes or an LFO to VCA input lets you modulate those modulators, quickly creating complex control voltages that go beyond the usual attack-decay envelope.

Combine this with the SUM output, which sums the two channels, and the attenuverters, which can quickly attenuate or invert the signal, and you have a whole array of signal processing capabilities.

The TRIGGER input fires a Attack-Decay envelope, while the SLEW input will affect the rate of change of the signal.

The trigger for channel 1 and 2 can be linked together, so you can fire two envelopes with one patch cable.

Each channel has an End of Cycle output, (EOC) this outputs a short trigger at the end of each envelope cycle.

The output voltage ranges from -10 to +10 volts, set with handy output attenuverters.

The CYCLE switch starts looping the envelope, creating LFO's that go up to audio rate, and that can also be used as an interesting sound source.

There are many ways to utilise Delta-V.

Challenge yourself to explore new, unconventional territories!

Width: 10HP
Depth: 27MM
Power: +12V 70 MA
Power: -12V 70 MA
Power 5V: 0 MA
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MRP:$225.33 SAVE 11%
 5 in stock $200.16
Joranalogue Contour 1 Slew Limiter & Function Generator Module
Cat: 757118 Rel: 07 Jan 20
Slew limiter & function generator module - 8HP
Notes: For decades, the voltage controlled slew limiter has been a staple of modular synthesisers. With its extreme versatility, it can be used to slew control voltages (CVs), create envelopes, as a low-frequency or audio oscillator and much more.

Today, Contour 1 brings a fresh approach to this classic circuit. It delivers much improved performance and control by incorporating modern design techniques.

At its most basic, a slew limiter slows down the rate of voltage change in a signal. On Contour 1, the rising and falling rates can be individually set using sliders and CV modulation.

The gate and trigger inputs allow the module to be used as a function generator: create snappy attack-release (AR) and attack-decay (AD) envelopes, with slope times ranging from 500 us to 30 seconds. The dedicated gate input makes it easy to generate +10 V envelopes from any signal source. Using the large tactile push button, AD envelopes can be manually triggered. A trigger will also reset the output voltage.

When set to loop mode, Contour 1 will continually re-trigger itself. In this mode, it fulfils the role of a variable-shape low-frequency oscillator (LFO) or temperature-stable voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) in the audio range.

Both the rising and falling slopes can be individually bent, from concave through linear to convex. While doing so, the deviation in slope time, and thus oscillation frequency, is kept to a minimum. Since the bend parameters are separately voltage controllable, boundless modulation possibilities present themselves.

Explore anything from shape-shifting envelopes to rich VCO timbres: Contour 1 will make you re-think what a slew limiter can do.

8 HP
30 mm deep

Current Draw
90 mA +12V
85 mA -12V
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MRP:$202.36 SAVE 11%
 2 in stock $180.47
Tesseract Modular Selam Function Generator Module
Tesseract Modular Selam Function Generator Module (attenuator/envelope generator/function generator/LFO/slew limiter synth module)
Cat: 853482 Rel: 16 Dec 21
A 6-channel function generator module.
Notes: Great value from this versatile six-channel function generator, suitable for LFOs, envelopes, slew limiting and much more. A versatile module at a good price.

Supplier's Notes:
This modules is a 6 channels function generator, each channel has an attenuverter to set the output gain, there are 2 extra outputs with mixed signals (channels 1+2+3 and 4+5+6) for complex CV

-With no signal plugged in the input, channel will self-oscillate generating an LFO of i4,8V

-With gate/trigger signals in the input, channel is an AR envelope generator

-With an stepped CV signal plugged in the input, the channel acts as a slew limiter

min attack/decay time:
0,3 milliseconds in fast mode
13 milliseconds in slow mode

max LFO length:
1" in fast mode
1'20" in slow mode

max attack/decay length:
13" in fast mode
3'00" in slow mode (approx)

18 HP
159 mA +12V
153 mA -12V
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 1 in stock $150.40
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quote 853482
After Later Audio QARV Quad Attack Release & VCA Module
After Later Audio QARV Quad Attack Release & VCA Module (function generator/oscillator/slew limiter/envelope generator/VCA synth module)
Cat: 859847 Rel: 12 Jan 22
Four channels of function generator, oscillator, slew limiter, envelope, and VCAs.
Notes: A clever hybrid of quad VCA, function generator and more in this chunky module. Four channels of oscillators, envelope generators and VCAs, plus slew, voltage sources and plenty of CV control.

Supplier's Notes:
Four channels of function generator, oscillator, slew limiter, envelope, and VCAs. This module brings the ultimate in flexibility as it can be used as a standalone synth voice, a massive amount of modulation, or a four channel envelope generator w/ mixer. We believe this makes QARV a great first module and a great addition to the largest of systems.

All four channels have the following features:

Uni-polar oscillator mode
Attack and release time control via potentiometer and via input jack
Shape control that controls shape for both attack and release
Output attenuverter
VCAs that normal to each subsequent channel (CH1 -> CH2, etc.). So you can get a mix of all four channels out of the CH4 VCA output (unless you patch a VCA output from an earlier channel)
Channels 1 & 4

Voltage source (CH1 - 5V & CH4 - 10V)
CH1 & CH4 can be switched between IN (slew mode) and TRIG (envelope) mode
RISE and FALL gates. You can use our G&T module to turn these gates into triggers.
Channels 2 & 3:

Bi-polar oscillator mode
Dedicated IN and TRIG jacks (helpful for adding offset to a triggered ENV)
BOTH input jack to simplify patching both the attack and release (also inverts the input to give more standard pitch tracking of higher voltage equals higher pitch)
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 1 in stock $227.51
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quote 859847
Make Noise Maths Analogue Computer Module (black)
Make Noise Maths Analogue Computer Module (black) (attenuator/CV modulation/envelope follower/envelope generator/function generator/LFO/logic/slew limiter module)
Cat: 994187 Rel: 29 Jan 24
Analogue computer module - 20HP
Notes: A true legend of modular synthesis, Make Noise's Maths is arguably the definitive Eurorack function generator. Based on analogue computing circuits, Maths draws on Buchla-style techniques to offer countless ways of generating and processing modulation signals.

Supplier's Notes:
The MATHS music synthesizer module is an analogue computer designed for musical purposes. Amongst other things, it will allow you to:


Generate a variety of linear, logarithmic, or exponential triggered or continuous functions

Integrate an incoming signal

With no signal applied, generate a variety of linear, logarithmic, or exponential functions

Add, subtract and OR up to 4 signals

Generate analogue signals from digital information (Gate / Clock)

Generate digital information (Gate / Clock) from analog signals

Delay digital (Gate / Clock) information

If the above list reads like science rather than music, here is the translation:

Voltage Controlled Envelope or LFO as slow as 25 minutes and as fast as 1khz

Apply Lag, Slew or Portamento to control voltages

Change the depth of modulation and modulate backwards!

Combine up to 4 control signals to create more complex modulations

Musical Events such as Ramping up or Down in Tempo, on command

Initiating Musical events upon sensing motion in the system

Musical note division and / or Flam

Perfect for modulating the DPO and just about anything else

Width: 20hp
Max Depth
(incl. power cable): 32mm

60mA@ +12V
50mA @ -12V
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 6 in stock $305.18
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quote 994187
Verbos Electronics Control Voltage Processor Module (silver)
Verbos Electronics Control Voltage Processor Module (silver) (attenuator/CV modulation/mixer/slew limiter/envelope generator/function generator/utility/VCA synth module)
Cat: 725952 Rel: 25 Mar 19
Two flexible mixers & function generator in one module - 18HP
Notes: The Control Voltage Processor from Verbos Electronics GmbH is a suite of control voltage processing possibilities divided into 3 sections in a slim 18HP package. The lower 2 sections are DC coupled mixers that allow mixing, inverting, offsetting, scaling, multiplying, dividing, crossfading or a combination of these functions. The top section is a voltage controlled slewing processor with independent control of Positive and Negative slew rate, with some unique tricks. The Positive and Negative slew, or Rise and Fall rates if you like, have reversing attenuators. The slopes can be blended from linear to RC curves (starting all slides fast and ending slow, like a proper "East Coast" Portamento) without a change in speed. It can be triggered like an AD envelope and has a Gate out that goes high when the CV out is below 100mV. Of course it can loop by patching the Gate out to the Trigger in. The Bounce control adds a unique flare of overshoot to CV changes, a bit like the effect of stopping a tape reel from turning and then letting it go. The combination of multiple voltage processors offers the user the functions of analogue computer.
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MRP:$556.76 SAVE 12%
 1 in stock $491.12
After Later Audio Scenes Segment Generator Module
After Later Audio Scenes Segment Generator Module (CV modulation/envelope generator/LFO/sample & hold/sequencer/slew limiter sytnh module)
Cat: 949327 Rel: 07 Jun 23
An exact hardware replica of the Mutable Instruments Stages in 14HP.
Notes: Six segment generator. Looping or one shot envelope generator. Chainable, so it can be expanded to link multiple units.

An exact hardware replica of the Mutable Instruments Stages.

14 HP
25 mm deep

Current Draw
80 mA +12V
20 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
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 1 in stock $270.17
Doepfer A-171-4 Quad Voltage Controlled Slew Limiter Module
Cat: 945417 Rel: 13 Jun 23
A quad voltage controlled slew limiter (polyphonic portamento) module in 4HP.
Notes: Module A-171-4 is a fourfold voltage controlled slew limiter. It's intended purpose is polyphonic portamento but can be used also for other applications where several slew limiters are required.
The common slew time can be adjusted manually and in addition controlled by an external control voltage. The module uses light-sensitive resistors (LDR). Therefore the slew times are not exactly the same for all units due to the tolerances of the LDRs and the LEDs, which are used to illuminate the LDRs. Inputs and outputs of the slew limiters are buffered to avoid voltage drops. This is especially important for polyphonic portamento applications. Each output can drive several VCOs without the need of external buffers. In addition the slew limiter inputs and outputs are available at internal pin headers for internal pre-wiring of polyphonic patches. As the switching contacts of the sockets are used for the internal pre-patching the internal patch can be overridden by using the sockets at the front panel.

The module has these controls and in/outputs available:
Control Man. : manual control of the slew limiter value (base value)

Control CV: attenuator for the signal applied to the CV socket

Socket CV: control voltage input

Sockets In 1...4: slew limiter inputs

Sockets Out 1...4: slew limiter outputs

LED: visual control of the slew limiter value (dark = long time, bright = short time)

Technical notes:

Each light-sensitive resistor (LDR) forms together with an associated capacitor a simple standard RC network (Resistor/Capacitor network). Input and output of each network are buffered.

The slew time range is about 5 ms ... 10 s (1:2000). Due to the tolerances of the LDRs and the LEDs the slew times vary a bit for each unit. By changing the capacitor values this range can be altered: by lowering the capacitor values the slew limiters can be used as 6dB low pass filters. Increasing the capacitor values result in longer slew times

The 4 photo resistors and LEDs are assembled within an small lighproof box. In addition the pc boards are made of lighproof black material to avoid interfering light from other modules or the bus board.

On the module pc boards two pin headers with 4 pins each are available. These are planned for the internal pre-patching of polyphonic modules:

In 1...4: The pins of this pin header are connected to the switching contacts of the sockets In 1...4. Hereby an internal four-wire connection to the CV outputs of the polyphonic midi-CV-interface A-190-5 can be made. As long as the sockets In 1...4 are not used the internal connection to the A-190-5 is established.

Out 1...4: The pins of this pin header are connected to the outputs Out 1...4. Hereby an internal four-wire connection to the CV inputs of the polyphonic VCO A-111-4 can be realized. If more than one VCO has to be controlled by one output we offer so-called micro multiples.

4 HP
45 mm deep

Current Draw
40 mA +12V
40 mA -12V
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 1 in stock $117.03
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quote 945417
NANO Modules VCV Random CV Generator Module
NANO Modules VCV Random CV Generator Module (clock generator/CV modulation/noise/quad/random/sample & hold/slew limiter module)
Cat: 1000135 Rel: 02 Apr 24
Random CV generator module - 10HP
Notes: CV Random is a random CV generator with 4 types of randomness and a triggerable sample-and-hold function.

Sliders allow you to set the internal clock tempo (RATE), shape the probability of triggering (PROB), blend old with new values (RND) and set the shape of all four random outputs (SHAPE).

4 different sliders


Sets the tempo of the internal clock. The CV input below the slider adjusts the clock rate, with 1V/oct calibration when the CV attenuverter is 100%. Upon each clock trigger, the RATE slider light blinks, and there is a chance for the internal random source to generate a new value.


This probability is set by the PROB slider, and if a new value was generated, the PROB slider light blinks and a pulse is emitted from the TRIG output.


When the internal random source generates a new value, it mixes the previous value with a random value, with an amount specified by the RND slider.


The SHAPE slider sets the shape of all four random outputs. At its lowest position (0%), all outputs immediately jump to the new random value (the target value) when the clock is triggered.

At non-zero positions, the outputs interpolate between the previous and the target value, using a different behaviour for each output.

Internal random clock source

Whenever the clock activates, the RATE slider's light flashes. At the same time, there's a chance that the internal random source will create a new value, depending on the PROB slider's setting.

If it does create a new value, the PROB slider's light flashes too, and a pulse comes out of the TRIG output.

External IN & TRIG inputs

If the TRIG input is patched, the RATE slider is ignored, and the internal clock is only triggered when an external trigger is received. The PROB slider is used to filter this trigger by applying some probability.


Thanks to a switch in the back of the module, you can normalize the LIN output to the 4 CV inputs and adjust the amount of modulation for each parameter with the attenuverters.

This adds another layer of randomness to your results, enabling more dynamic and unpredictable outcomes.

SHAPE Outputs

The STEP output jumps to the new value in one step at 0% SHAPE, and divides the transition into 16 steps at 100% SHAPE.

The LIN output immediately reaches the new value at 0% SHAPE, and takes the whole clock cycle to do so at 100% SHAPE, staying constant in between.

The EXP output shifts exponentially, becoming linear at 100% SHAPE, with its pace adjusted by the SHAPE slider.

The SMTH output transitions smoothly, with the speed controlled by the SHAPE setting, holding at the target until the cycle ends.


Dimensions 10HP - 50×128,5mm
Current 63 mA +12V / 11 mA -12V / 0 mA +5V
Input & Output Signals +/-10V
Impedance Input 10k - Output 10k
Materials PCB and Panel - FR4 1,6mm
Depth 40mm including connectors (Skiff friendly)
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MRP:$184.86 SAVE 11%
 2 in stock $164.06
Endorphin.es Airstreamer 4 Envelope Generator Module With Looping/ASR/AD Modes (silver)
Endorphin.es Airstreamer 4 Envelope Generator Module With Looping/ASR/AD Modes (silver) (attenuator/envelope generator/function generator/polarizer/sample & Hold/slew limiter/VCA synth module)
Cat: 880288 Rel: 02 Dec 22
Ultra slim envelope generator with looping, ASR and AD modes
Notes: Ultra slim envelope generator with looping, ASR and AD modes

CV control over fall (decay / release)
Continuously variable shape over both slopes without stretching the slope's duration in time.
Low aliasing CV generation, 224 kHz sample rate.
1 v/oct input, bipolar and unipolar outputs, end of cycle output.
Audio rate oscillation in cycle mode allows you to utilize it as an oscillator.
Polarizer knob with additional VCA input scales the envelope and inverts it when CV goes to negative voltages, allowing for compact sidechain envelope solution without the need for external mixers / inverts / offset generators.
Slew limiter, S&H, T&H processing for external CV sources

Power consumption:
60 mA +12V
15 mA -12V
0 mA 5V

4 HP
26 mm deep with power ribbon cable connected
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 1 in stock $171.73
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quote 880288
Klavis CalTrans Programmable Voltage/Octave CV Calibrator & Transposer Module (black)
Klavis CalTrans Programmable Voltage/Octave CV Calibrator & Transposer Module (black) (quantizer/tuner/utility/quad/slew limiter synth module)
Cat: 951637 Rel: 20 Jun 24
Programmable voltage and octave CV calibrator and transposer module - 6HP.
Notes: Programmable Volt/Octave CV calibrator and transposer

Clever four-channel utility module designed to make it easier to achieve perfect oscillator tracking and transpose CV signals. Also includes some neat quantising and portamento features.

The CalTrans solves issues encountered when playing tonal music with a modular system: tracking problems, curves unrelated to Volt per octave ratio, limited octave range, cumbersome transpose, ...

The CalTrans corrects and expands the range of troublesome VCOs and brings V/Oct tracking to anything that oscillates.

Besides calibration, the CalTrans offers live play features. Each channel can be quantized and any combination of them transposed jointly.

A pair of rotary encoders with detent allow an precise selection of octaves and semitones.

VCOs whose tracking doesn't go high enough to follow the leader will see their pitch repositioned in their highest possible octave so that the global harmony is unaffected.

You can add a pinch of portamento and glissando to each channel and save the whole in user presets.

Firmware 1.17 offers:
* User editable input scaling to match sources that don't generate perfect 1V per octave signals.
* Complete rewrite of the main processing with higher precision.
* ... and the unavoidable fixes and tweaks ;-)

The updated user manual 1.4 is much expanded with operations described in exquisite details :-)
.. and a version 1.5 corrects a mistake in the input calibration description and eases the reading elsewhere.

6 HP
36 mm deep

Current Draw
44 mA +12V
8 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
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MRP:$213.30 SAVE 19%
 1 in stock $171.73
STG Soundlabs Mankato 4-Pole Lowpass Filter Module
STG Soundlabs Mankato 4-Pole Lowpass Filter Module (filter/oscillator/slew limiter synth module)
Cat: 837822 Rel: 24 Nov 22
A four-pole lowpass filter with positive and negative outputs at every pole.
Notes: The Mankato Filter is a four-pole lowpass filter with positive and negative outputs at every pole, giving you slopes of 6 dB/oct, 12 dB/oct, 18 dB/oct, and 24 dB/oct simultaneously. The negative slope outputs allow you to use the Mankato as a quadrature sine oscillator with 8 available phases. The Mankato will self-resonate from subaudio to superaudio, and responds to one volt per octave through its unattenuated control inputs. When resonating, the 6dB/oct outputs are slightly hotter than the others and can be driven to lightly saturate at full resonance. The signal inputs are DC coupled, which allows you to use the Mankato as a voltage-controlled slew limiter at very low cutoff frequencies.
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MRP:$330.34 SAVE 21%
 2 in stock $261.43
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