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iLok 3rd Generation Authorisation Key USB Dongle
Cat: 631627 Rel: 02 Nov 16
USB device that stores licenses for iLok-enabled software
Notes: How does it work and why do I need one:
The iLok is a special USB device that holds your licenses for iLok-enabled software. Software publishers use the iLok to provide secure protection for their software. When you run their iLok-enabled software, it looks for the software license on your attached iLok.

The Third Generation iLok:
Smaller, faster, and with even greater capacity, the new iLok is here! The Third Generation iLok is fully compatible with software created for the second generation iLok. With its smaller form factor and metal body, it is more robust and less prone to casual damage.

iLok Benefits:
- It's portable - you can authorize your software anywhere it is installed. At home, work, or at a remote location, you can keep your software licenses with you, not on your computer.
- It's convenient and cross-platform - Store your Mac and Windows iLok-enabled software licenses all on a single iLok. A Third Generation iLok can hold over 1500 licenses.
- Worry Free - Your licenses are on the safest, most secure solution: the iLok. With Zero Downtime protection available, you've got 24/7 peace of mind.

Managing your licenses has never been so easy. Using the iLok License Manager application, you can:
- View what is on your iLok(s)
- Download new licenses from participating software publishers
- Manage your licenses, including moving them between iLoks within your account and from your iLoks back to your account
- Transfer licenses to other accounts

What do I need in order to use my iLok?

In order to use an iLok, you'll need at least 3 things:
- Your iLok
- A license for the iLok-protected software you want to run (you'll need to have the publisher place this license in your account or send you an Activation code)
- The software that is iLok protected (usually a download from the Publisher's or retailer's website, we do not host those on this site)

Anything else?

Your iLok will need special License Support software in order to talk to the protected software. Your protected software most likely installed this special software, but you can always get the latest version of this software by installing the iLok License Manager.
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Tags: iLok keys
! low stock $43.82
PACE iLok3 Authorisation Key USB Type-C Dongle
Cat: 828964 Rel: 14 May 21
USB dongle with USB-C connection
Notes: iLok3- now available with USB-C connection.

With USB-C ports becoming increasingly commonplace, PACE have launched a USB-C version of the iLok3. Customers whose computer only has USB-C ports can use this iLok without an additional USB Type-A to USB Type-C adaptor.

This new version does not replace the USB-A iLok3 - both versions will be available.
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 4 in stock $62.07
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