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Items 1 to 26 of 26 on page 1 of 1 & Loopop PLUS 3 Desktop Expression & Sustain Pedal
Cat: 1046607 Rel: 10 Oct 24
Desktop expression & sustain pedal
Notes: present the rather simple but ever so useful PLUS 3 - desktop expression and sustain pedal that adds controls and unlocks features in MIDI controllers, synthesizers, effects pedals and semimodular/eurorack instruments, some in ways previously not possible

PLUS 3 is designed for musicians who prefer compact desktop control of features accessible via the sustain and expression jacks of their instruments, as opposed to using their feet or bulky sustain and expression pedals on their desk.

PLUS 3 includes a high-quality fader for expressive performance and automation, a momentary sustain key, and an innovative "drone mode" toggle switch, which lets you free your hands and hold notes indefinitely. In drone mode, the momentary key's functionality changes, to let you swap droned notes with new ones.

PLUS 3 is totally passive, meaning it doesn't require any power to work. It's made of aluminium, so it's sturdy, light, and portable. Its sustain key is based on standard mechanical keyboard-style keys, so you can customize it and swap the key out to make the pedal your own with your key of choice.

Capabilities PLUS 3's sustain side unlocks for instruments with a sustain jack, subject to the instruments capabilities are among other:

A momentary sustain button for instruments that don't have a dedicated physical sustain control (most don't!)

A dedicated drone/hold/arp latch switch for instruments that don't have one (many don't!). It's important to note that even if an instrument has a hold button, its sustain jack may unlock additional functionality or behaviour (for example, a button that simply holds notes does not cause Piano VSTs to resonate sympathetic strings in the way using sustain does.

Momentary and toggle control of any parameter mappable in your DAW synth's mod matrix/menu system, or effect pedal (for example, sostenuto, a freeze effect, dry/wet bypass, swapping presets, etc)
Capabilities PLUS 3's expression side unlocks for instruments with an expression jack are, among other:

PLUS 3 is particularly useful for adding an expressive physical fader to MIDI controllers that don't already have faders, but have an expression jack (for example, Native Instruments Kontrol MK3, or M32; or Korg's KeyStage).

Use PLUS 3's fader for direct access and expressive control of any single parameter mappable in your DAW, effects pedal or synth in ways not possible with a regular keyboard (for example, bowing a violin, an orchestral swell, fine tuning a track's level in the mix)

For DAWs, synths with a mod matrix or effect pedals with expression jack mapping capabilities (e.g. many Chase Bliss, Boss, EHX pedals, and the GHOST and GOLDEN MASTER pedals), use PLUS 3's fader as a macro control to change multiple parameters at once - almost similar to preset morphing, based on your instruments ability to map its expression input to multiple parameters

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 4 in stock $71.40
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quote 1046607 1U Cockpit X 6-Channel Stereo Mixer Module
Cat: 1070775 Rel: 12 Feb 25
6-channel stereo mixer with transparent VCAs, featuring four inputs on the front and two auxiliary inputs on the rear
Notes: The 1U Cockpit X Black is a newly designed 6-channel stereo mixer with transparent VCAs, featuring four inputs on the front and two auxiliary inputs on the rear. Sidechain ducking makes it easy to get a great balanced sound, just input the trigger of your sound and you are good to go.

The perfect mixer for summing signals in your system while patching, or even as an end-of-chain mixer to go into your interface, mixer... whatever you fancy.

Power consumption: 55mA at +12V and 35mA at -12V

Depth: 30 mm

24 HP
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 1 in stock $167.82
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quote 1070775 2hp Power Supply + Dual Passive Mult Module (silver)
Cat: 897564 Rel: 05 Sep 22
Power supply & dual passive mult module - 2HP
Notes: 2hp Power supply + Dual Passive Mult

Portable 2hp power module for compact skiff cases with dual passive multiples

12 to 20V DC input
Up to 1A from +12V
Up to 700mA from -12V via flying bussboard

Power consumption:

0 mA +12V
0 mA -12V
0 mA 5V


2 HP
42 mm deep
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 1 in stock $114.66
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quote 897564 3U 42HP Unpowered Synth Module Aluminium Enclosure Case
Cat: 938824 Rel: 14 Apr 23
An 3U 42HP unpowered aluminium enclosure case for synthesiser modules.
Notes: 3U 42 HP aluminium case

Depth: 42 mm

Kit includes:
- 42 hp case, M3 threaded holes
- 4 rubber feet
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 1 in stock $50.56
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quote 938824 Airstreamer 4 Envelope Generator Module With Looping/ASR/AD Modes (silver) Airstreamer 4 Envelope Generator Module With Looping/ASR/AD Modes (silver) (attenuator/envelope generator/function generator/polarizer/sample & Hold/slew limiter/VCA synth module)
Cat: 880288 Rel: 02 Dec 22
Ultra slim envelope generator with looping, ASR and AD modes
Notes: Ultra slim envelope generator with looping, ASR and AD modes

CV control over fall (decay / release)
Continuously variable shape over both slopes without stretching the slope's duration in time.
Low aliasing CV generation, 224 kHz sample rate.
1 v/oct input, bipolar and unipolar outputs, end of cycle output.
Audio rate oscillation in cycle mode allows you to utilize it as an oscillator.
Polarizer knob with additional VCA input scales the envelope and inverts it when CV goes to negative voltages, allowing for compact sidechain envelope solution without the need for external mixers / inverts / offset generators.
Slew limiter, S&H, T&H processing for external CV sources

Power consumption:
60 mA +12V
15 mA -12V
0 mA 5V

4 HP
26 mm deep with power ribbon cable connected
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 1 in stock $161.57
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quote 880288 Autopilot 1U Tuner Module (black)
Cat: 1021154 Rel: 19 Jun 24
Tuner module - 6HP
Notes: AUTOPILOT 1U is an innovative tuner module. Tune your oscillators fast, just apply the AUTOPILOT 1U in between the pitch CV and apply the reference waveform. Previously available as a dual autotuner AUTOPILOT in 3U version (4hp) and now as a single autotuner 1U Intellijel format version (6hp).

440 A-note or 261.62 Hz C-note scales: selected mode saved on next power up

Tune your oscillators instantly, just apply the Autopilot in between the pitch CV and apply the reference wave

Play the reference note from your sequencer or CV keyboard. Now a single tap on the button tunes your oscillator to the closest A/C note.

Power consumption:
20 mA +12V
10 mA -12V
0 mA 5V

6 HP
35 mm deep
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 2 in stock $61.77
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quote 1021154 BLCK_NOIR CR-78 Inspired 7-Voice Hybrid Drum Generator Module (black) BLCK_NOIR CR-78 Inspired 7-Voice Hybrid Drum Generator Module (black) (drum/effect/delay/distortion/filter/reverb/ring modulator/synth voice synth module)
Cat: 688859 Rel: 10 Sep 18
CR-78 inspired 7-voice hybrid drum generator module with filter & effects - 30HP
Notes: CR-78 inspired 7-voice hybrid drum generator module with filter & effects

7 drum voices in the analog kit: bass drum, snare, tambourine, closed and open hi-hats, metal beat and cymbal;
Hybrid sound generation: band-limited digital noise with spectrum animation, injected into analog circuits
Full discrete analog generation part, using inductor coils instead of op-amps
On-board effect processor with drum-oriented 8 effects with additional auxiliary input and firmware update over audio same as in Queen of Pentacles / Milky Way / Grand Terminal
Drums that have character: fit all styles of music - specifically tuned for darkwave and techno
Separate analog outputs and isolator-style resonance filter for main mix outputs

Power consumption:
240 mA +12V
75 mA -12V
0 mA 5V

30 HP
18 mm deep
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 1 in stock $346.07
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quote 688859 Cockpit 2 Four Stereo Channels Performance Mixer Module (black)
Cat: 799787 Rel: 13 Nov 20
4-channel performance mixer module
Notes: Cockpit² is a 4-channel stereo mixer with side-chain ducking.

Key facts:

Increased headroom
Improved sound quality
The LEDs are blue/red instead of red/green (Daltonic friendly)
No TRRS jacks anymore
New aluminium knobs on the black module version

Power consumption:
240 mA +12V
75 mA -12V
0 mA 5V

6 HP
38 mm deep
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 1 in stock $180.33
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quote 799787 Furthrrrr Generator Dual Complex VCO Module With Waveshaper (yellow) Furthrrrr Generator Dual Complex VCO Module With Waveshaper (yellow) (oscillator/dual/stereo/function generator/LFO/noise/random module)
Cat: 579172 Rel: 07 Aug 15
Dual voltage controlled oscillator module with waveshaper module - 30HP
Notes: The Furthrrrr Generator has a main oscillator (carrier) with an extensive and fully voltage controllable wave multiplier and a modulation oscillator (modulator) that can cross-modulate the carrier. Each oscillator has hard and soft sync and also features an integrated tuner: if both LEDs are lit the VCO is at note A. Left LED is lit at note Ab and right LED at A#. Frequency potentiometers are ten-turn models and thus allow for easy tuning. Frequency range of the VCOs is 10Hz-10kHz (and much lower in modulator's LFO mode). Both VCOs feature 2 frequency CV inputs (1x with bipolar attenuator, 1x with 1V/octave), one FM input (jumper selectable between linear and exponential FM) as well as separate input for hard and soft sync. The voltage characteristic can be selected between 1V/octave and 1.2V/octave (Buchla norm).

The main oscillator (carrier) outputs the waveforms sine, saw, square and white noise. The two outputs marked with the magic eye are outputs of the "harmonic section" that generates very complex sounds by the wave multiplier and its parameters symmetry, order and Furthrrrr in the module's right-hand section. Symmetry lowers the level of even harmonics and amplifies the odd harmonics (this affects the pulse wave's width as well). Order adds saturation to the high order harmonics and resembles a low pass filter. Furthrrrr alters the level of harmonics set by the other parameters and produces very interesting, partly brute sounds with lots of harmonics by clipping and folding the wave. All three parameters can be voltage controlled. The carrier oscillator also has inputs for hard and soft sync, the sync-switch can synch directly to the modulator.

The modulation oscillator (modulator) has three wave forms with direct outputs: sine, saw and square. Using the internal modulation via the "mood section" the waveform is selected with a button; an additional staircase wave form is available here, but it can be overridden by inserting a signal into the external input socket. A switch activates the LFO mode.

The Mood section is responsible for the internal modulation of the carrier by the modulator. Switches determine the modulation destination(s) that can be activated simultaneously. These are the Furthrrrr parameter of the harmonic section, the amplitude and the frequency of the carrier oscillator. The "balanced" switch activates the ring modulation between both VCOs. intensity of modulation is controlled by the "mood index" potentiometer and the according CV input with bipolar attenuator.
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 1 in stock $563.94
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quote 579172 Ghost Audio Processor Module (black) Ghost Audio Processor Module (black) (delay/digital/distortion/dual/stereo/dynamics/effect/filter/reverb synth module)
Cat: 880293 Rel: 05 Oct 22
In collaboration with Andrew Huang, based on his modern music production techniques, developed a creative audio processor with multiple blocks that can be moved around in order to achieve different flavours for sound design.
Notes: Collabing with YouTube sensation Andrew Huang, offer up this impressive multipurpose processor module. Building blocks of stereo filtering, compression, reverb and more offer huge creative potential.

Supplier's Notes:
In collaboration with Andrew Huang, based on his modern music production techniques, developed a creative audio processor with multiple blocks that can be moved around in order to achieve different flavours for sound design.

Processing unit without fixed structure: intuitively create astonishing and ephemeral timbres, from atmospheric rumbles to heavy or distorted textures.
Creative stereo effect processor with delay, reverb, filter and distortion with quickly explorable routing chain with single button press.
New generation ARM Cortex - M7 processor with 96 kHz 32 bit internal processing.
Lush hall and whooshing reverse reverbs with audio freeze and pre-delay.
Sidechain audio ducking envelope available both internally and externally with additional one knob single band compressor.
Tap delay with maximum delay time up to 2.5 seconds, external clock input with onboard clock divider and 1v/oct time control.
8x oversampled distortion algorithm.
Pre- and post - VCA, tone and volume controls with extra gain.

Power consumption:
135 mA +12V
35 mA -12V
0 mA 5V

16 HP
26 mm deep with power ribbon cable connected.
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 1 in stock $331.48
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quote 880293 Golden Master 1U Multiband Processor Module (black) Golden Master 1U Multiband Processor Module (black) (dual & stereo/dynamics/effect/equaliser/VCA synth module)
Cat: 847869 Rel: 12 Nov 21
A multi-band EQ, compressor, mid/side processing module.
Notes: 1U version of the excellent Golden Master, a surprisingly creative little output module which combines radio-style multi-band compression with brickwall limiting and mid-side stereo processing.

Supplier's Notes:
Golden Master is a multiband processor module in Eurorack format. Inspired from the studio mastering and radio loudness units from the 90's, this tool is a game changer for everyone who performs live with a Eurorack synthesizer.

The whole magic of Eurorack lies in its raw sound and simple analog mixes - processing through the Golden Master brings instant punch and sound pressure, as well as controlling the overall volume.


instantly improve your raw Eurorack mixes to sound balanced and powerful on stage or wherever you are
96 kHz 16 bit digital audio stereo processing
3-band compressor with intuitive adjustment and brickwall limiter
mid/side stereo field processing
Power consumption: 125mA at +12 V and 12mA at -12 V

Depth: 42mm

HP : 22
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 1 in stock $156.35 Golden Master 1U Multiband Processor Module (silver) Golden Master 1U Multiband Processor Module (silver) (dual/stereo/dynamics/effect/equalizer/VCA module)
Cat: 858344 Rel: 21 Dec 21
Multi-band EQ, compressor & mid/side processing module - 22HP
 1 in stock $161.57
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quote 858344 Golden Master Multi-band EQ/Compressor/Mid-Side Processing Module (black) Golden Master Multi-band EQ/Compressor/Mid-Side Processing Module (black) (dynamics/equaliser/utility/dual/stereo/effect/VCA synth module)
Cat: 821995 Rel: 21 Apr 21
Multiband dynamics/equalizer/utility module/processor module in Eurorack format
Notes: Unusual output and mastering module, inspired by studio and radio mastering tools but fitting into just 6hp. Includes multi-band compression, mid/side stereo processing and brickwall limiting.

Supplier's Notes:
Golden Master is a multiband processor module in Eurorack format. Inspired from the studio mastering and radio loudness units from the 90's, this tool is a game changer for everyone who performs live with a Eurorack synthesizer.

The whole magic of Eurorack lies in its raw sound and simple analog mixes - processing through the Golden Master brings instant punch and sound pressure, as well as controlling the overall volume.

Power consumption: 135mA at +12V and 25mA at -12V
Depth: 30 mm (with ribbon cable connected)
HP : 6
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 1 in stock $156.35
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quote 821995 Golden Master Multi-Band EQ/Compressor/Mid-Side Processing Module (silver) Golden Master Multi-Band EQ/Compressor/Mid-Side Processing Module (silver) (dual/stereo/dynamics/effect/equaliser/utility/VCA synth module)
Cat: 863517 Rel: 15 Feb 22
6HP Multi-band EQ, compressor, mid/side processing Module.
Notes: The Golden Master from is a multi-band processor that takes inspiration from studio mastering and radio loudness units from the 1990s. It gives control over the EQ, compression, and mid/side processing of incoming audio.

Thanks to the 16-bit/96kHz audio fidelity, you'll get incredible processing power. It features three bands - low, medium, and high - each handling a distinct portion of the audio spectrum. These controls feature a single knob that both boosts and cuts signals. Set the overall loudness limit of your sounds, and the brickwall limiter ensures all your sounds stay in check. This multi-band effect is the perfect end-of-chain module, ensuring that anything you throw at it sounds dynamic and full.

Multi-band processor inspired by mastering tools from the 1990s: adds punch and dynamics to your sound

Compression, EQ, and mid/side processing

Three frequency bands with +7 db boost and -20 db cut

Brickwall limiter sets upper limit of signals

16-bit/96kHz audio I/O with 32 bits internal processing

Enhance/mute buttons

Available in 1U / 22HP version

Power consumptions:

135 mA +12V
25 mA -12V
0 mA 5V

6 HP
30 mm deep
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 1 in stock $161.57
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quote 863517 Golden Master Multi-Band Processor Effects Pedal
Cat: 945400 Rel: 19 Oct 23
A multi-band processor effects pedal.
Notes: Pedal version of the excellent Golden Master module, featuring multi-band end-of-chain processing with EQ, compression and mid/side stereo widening effects. Ideal for bass or guitar.

Supplier's Notes:
On-stage mastering

Based on' Golden Master eurorack module and our experience in electronic live music performances, developed Golden Master - a multiband processor pedal to deliver high pressure audio for live concerts and venues: sound loud without overloading the master limiter.

Multiband processor consists of EQ, compressor and mid-side

24 bit 96 kHz audio I/O with 32 bit internal processing

Stereo enhancer for each of the 3 bands

High impedance inputs, pseudo-balanced outputs: works also as a DI-box on stage

One knob compressor per band along with global threshold allows you to intuitively achieve results

Dedicated expression pedal for master volume control

Two footswitches let you select presets and bypass with your feet
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 1 in stock $306.46
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quote 945400 Ground Control Drum Gate & CV/Gate Performance Sequencer Module (black) Ground Control Drum Gate & CV/Gate Performance Sequencer Module (black) (MID/sequencer/power/clock generator/controller/CV modulation module)
Cat: 821991 Rel: 07 Apr 21
8 drum gate & 3 melodic CV/gate performance sequencer module - 42HP
Notes: Long-awaited sequencer module from, offering four tracks (three melody CV/gate, one for drum triggers) with lots of live performance options and MIDI support.

Supplier's Notes:
Ground Control is a 42 hp Eurorack performance sequencer announced at Superbooth 2019.

The sequencer has 4 tracks: three melodic tracks and a drum track consisting of 8 drum triggers and modulation/accent output. There are also dedicated mute buttons for each track, MIDI and USB-MIDI I/O, external CV and a 2-octave piano-style keyboard.

The keyboard serves for playing the melodies as well as entering the menus - in that method the module eliminates tedious menu diving.

Each track can contain 24 patterns, which can be played separately or chained together in any order. All those tracks are organized into 24 projects. The number 24 is associated to the 24 letters of the Latin alphabet.

Ground Control features a very stable internal analog and MIDI clocks preserving low jitter operation, which is crucial for tight sequencing.

The patterns are entered either in 101-style step input or live recording and can be adjusted using the 303-style editor.

The drum sections features a X0X-style sequencer.

Depth: 25 mm (with ribbon cable connected)
HP : 42
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 1 in stock $616.06
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quote 821991 Milky Way 16 Algorithm Stereo FX Processor Module (black) Milky Way 16 Algorithm Stereo FX Processor Module (black) (dual/stereo/effect/VCA/delay/digital/distortion/panning/reverb synth module)
Cat: 734890 Rel: 15 Oct 19
Multi effects module - 6HP
Notes: Milky Way is a multi effects module with stereo signal flow. Its algorithms are already known from the Blck_Noir and the Grand Terminal.

- Simple and effective 6hp stereo* FX module
- Comes with "T.F.D" firmware installed: 16 types of effects are available, sorted in two banks
- Meta CV effects scanning
- Volume control with VCA

*depending on the effect type
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 1 in stock $156.35
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quote 734890 Milky Way 1U Stereo Effect Processor Module (black) Milky Way 1U Stereo Effect Processor Module (black) (delay/digital/distortion/dual & stereo/dynamics/effect/panning/reverb synth module)
Cat: 847872 Rel: 12 Nov 21
A stereo FX module already known from the Blck_Noir and the Grand Terminal.
Notes: Now available in Intellijel's 1U format, the Milky Way is's stereo effect module, featuring 16 programs: reverbs, delays, chorus, flanger, compressor and more. Versatile.

Supplier's Notes:
Tasty multi-effects module in Intellijel's 1U format. Eight stereo effect programs include meta CV scanning along with Airways and Darkwaves banks borrowed from the Blck_Noir and Grand Terminal modules.

Supplier's Notes:
Milky Way is a stereo FX module already know from the Blck_Noir and the Grand Terminal. It offers 8 types of effects.

simple and effective 6hp stereo FX module
8 types of effects available with meta CV scanning, 2 famous Airways and Darkwaves banks (more banks coming soon)
volume control with VCA

Hall Reverb
Shimmer Reverb
Stereo Room Reverb
Plate Reverb
Spring Reverb
Ping-Pong Delay
Tape Echo Delay

Gated Reverb
Spring Reverb
Ping-Pong Delay
Ring Modulator
Power consumption: 117mA at +12 V and 12mA at -12 V

Depth: 42mm

HP : 22
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 1 in stock $156.35
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quote 847872 Milky Way 1U Stereo Effect Processor Module (silver) Milky Way 1U Stereo Effect Processor Module (silver) (delay/digital/distortion/dual & stereo/dynamics/effect/panning/reverb synth module)
Cat: 858345 Rel: 21 Dec 21
A stereo FX module already know from the Blck_Noir and the Grand Terminal.
 1 in stock $156.35
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quote 858345 New Godspeed Peak Performance Auto-Tuning Thru-Zero VCO Module (black)
Cat: 1021155 Rel: 19 Jun 24
Peak performance auto-tuning thru-zero voltage controlled oscillator module - 6HP
Notes: Peak performance auto-tuning thru-zero VCO

Revolutionary, literally instant auto-tuning to the nearest C, G or A notes
Pitch knob lock - go on hard performance without the risk of accidentally break the tune
MIDI IN and MIDI THRU with selectable A or B TRS-MIDI standard
Thru-zero linear FM with CV-controlled FM index with internal modulator creates compact 2-operator FM voice
Sine/fold output features famous westcoast Furthrrrr Generator folder
Odd/even output has a pre-patched -1/-2/-3 octaves sub-oscillator and a noise for essential east coast monosynth voice

Power consumption:
65 mA +12V
40 mA -12V
0 mA 5V

6 HP
30 mm deep
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 1 in stock $183.46
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quote 1021155 Queen Of Pentacles 909 Inspired Drum Module (black)
Cat: 791289 Rel: 23 Sep 20
909 inspired drum module with 3 analogue sound sources & 4 sample based sound sources - 30HP
Notes: 909 inspired drum module with 3 analogue sound sources & 4 sample based sound sources

3 Analogue-based discrete analog TR-909 drums: bass drum, snare drum and hand clap circuits with advanced noise spectrum animation
4 sample-based drums (e.g. hi-hats, ride and crash cymbal, or simply use your own samples via SD card), including a set of freshly recorded samples for modern electronic music using handcrafted Paiste 602 15" and 18" cymbals
Zero-latency sample playback directly from SD card
Hybrid analog sound generation: 3x band-limited LSRF binary noise generators with spectrum animation, injected into discrete analog circuits
On-board effect processor with 2 banks consisting of 16 effects in total, including additional auxiliary input and firmware update over audio
Master isolator-style LP/HP filter with VCA control and saturator booster
Drums that make you dance: Fit all music styles of music, specifically tuned for EDM and Techno
Factory sample banks by Nicolas Bougaieff (Mute, Novamute) including processed custom sampled Paiste 602 cymbals
Wide-pallete sample library available from Nero Bellum, Maman Kusters
Effect processor as found in famous Grand Terminal / Milky Way / Blck_Noir

Power consumption:
350 mA +12V
90 mA -12V
0 mA 5V

30 HP
26 mm deep with inserted power cable
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 1 in stock $346.07
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quote 791289 Running Order 1U 2-Track Trigger Sequencer/Euclidean Generator Module (black)
Cat: 880299 Rel: 02 Dec 22
2-track trigger sequencer/euclidean generator module - 22HP
Notes: Running Order is a two track trigger sequencer. It can be a precise master clock or manipulate incoming clock signal and works great in use as a sub-sequencer/divider in your Eurorack environment.

Zero-jitter clock generation: less than 50 microseconds internal clock jitter
101 style 1/16th note input mode (step/rest) with manual or CV controllable amount of triggers repeats when the active trigger step happens
Euclidean mode enabled for each track where we set Euclidean total steps amount in the circle and then amount of triggers happening in that circle.
Per step trigger probability in 101 mode and global probability in Euclidean mode.
Separate synchronization (reset) inputs, sync for track 1 is normalled to sync track 2
Clock divider for incoming external clock allows to quickly obtain various musical divisions on the fly incl. triplets of course, but more importantly tuplets mode allows you to stretch desired amount of triggers happening into a single bar
Separate mute buttons for each track
8 patterns of triggers sequences stored in the module and recalled on the next power up
Available in 3U / 6HP version

Power consumption:
30 mA +12V
10 mA -12V
0 mA 5V

22 HP
26mm deep with power ribbon cable connected
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 1 in stock $130.29 Running Order 1U 2-Track Trigger Sequencer/Euclidean Generator Module (silver) Running Order 1U 2-Track Trigger Sequencer/Euclidean Generator Module (silver) (clock generator/clock modulator/random/sequencer synth module)
Cat: 880295 Rel: 02 Dec 22
2-track trigger sequencer/euclidean generator module - 22HP
Notes: Running Order is a two track trigger sequencer. It can be a precise master clock or manipulate incoming clock signal and works great in use as a sub-sequencer/divider in your Eurorack environment.

Zero-jitter clock generation: less than 50 microseconds internal clock jitter
101 style 1/16th note input mode (step/rest) with manual or CV controllable amount of triggers repeats when the active trigger step happens
Euclidean mode enabled for each track where we set Euclidean total steps amount in the circle and then amount of triggers happening in that circle.
Per step trigger probability in 101 mode and global probability in Euclidean mode.
Separate synchronization (reset) inputs, sync for track 1 is normalled to sync track 2
Clock divider for incoming external clock allows to quickly obtain various musical divisions on the fly incl. triplets of course, but more importantly tuplets mode allows you to stretch desired amount of triggers happening into a single bar
Separate mute buttons for each track
8 patterns of triggers sequences stored in the module and recalled on the next power up
Available in 3U / 6HP version

Power consumption:
30 mA +12V
10 mA -12V
0 mA 5V

22 HP
26mm deep with power ribbon cable connected
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 1 in stock $130.29
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quote 880295 Running Order 2-Track Trigger Sequencer/Euclidean Generator Module (black)
Cat: 793964 Rel: 07 Oct 20
2-track trigger sequencer/euclidean generator module - 6HP
Notes: Running Order is a two track trigger sequencer. It can be a precise master clock or manipulate incoming clock signal and works great in use as a sub-sequencer/divider in your Eurorack environment.

Zero-jitter clock generation: less than 50 microseconds internal clock jitter
101 style 1/16th note input mode (step/rest) with manual or CV controllable amount of triggers repeats when the active trigger step happens
Euclidean mode enabled for each track where we set Euclidean total steps amount in the circle and then amount of triggers happening in that circle.
Per step trigger probability in 101 mode and global probability in Euclidean mode.
Separate synchronization (reset) inputs, sync for track 1 is normalled to sync track 2
Clock divider for incoming external clock allows to quickly obtain various musical divisions on the fly incl. triplets of course, but more importantly tuplets mode allows you to stretch desired amount of triggers happening into a single bar
Separate mute buttons for each track
8 patterns of triggers sequences stored in the module and recalled on the next power up
Also available in 1U / 22HP version

Power consumption:
30 mA +12V
10 mA -12V
0 mA 5V

6 HP
30 mm deep
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 1 in stock $141.76
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quote 793964 Running Order 2-Track Trigger Sequencer/Euclidean Generator Module (silver)
Cat: 1034863 Rel: 01 Aug 24
2-track trigger sequencer/euclidean generator module - 6HP
Notes: 2-track trigger sequencer/euclidean generator module - 6HP

Running Order is a two track trigger sequencer. It can be a precise master clock or manipulate incoming clock signal and works great in use as a sub-sequencer/divider in your Eurorack environment.

Zero-jitter clock generation: less than 50 microseconds internal clock jitter
101 style 1/16th note input mode (step/rest) with manual or CV controllable amount of triggers repeats when the active trigger step happens
Euclidean mode enabled for each track where we set Euclidean total steps amount in the circle and then amount of triggers happening in that circle.
Per step trigger probability in 101 mode and global probability in Euclidean mode.
Separate synchronization (reset) inputs, sync for track 1 is normalled to sync track 2
Clock divider for incoming external clock allows to quickly obtain various musical divisions on the fly incl. triplets of course, but more importantly tuplets mode allows you to stretch desired amount of triggers happening into a single bar
Separate mute buttons for each track
8 patterns of triggers sequences stored in the module and recalled on the next power up
also available in 1U / 22HP version

Power consumption:
30 mA +12V
10 mA -12V
0 mA 5V

6 HP
30 mm deep
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 1 in stock $150.63
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quote 1034863 Squawk Dirty To Me 8-Mode Zero-Delay Feedback Stereo Filter Module (black) Squawk Dirty To Me 8-Mode Zero-Delay Feedback Stereo Filter Module (black) (filter/VCAdual/stereo/digital/effect/low pass gate synth module)
Cat: 734886 Rel: 15 Oct 19
Stereo filter with voltage controlled resonance - 6HP
Notes: Versatile stereo digital filter based on Endorphin's Grand Terminal module. CV-controlled cutoff, resonance and separate high-pass filter. Simple but effective.

Supplier notes:
The Squawk Dirty To Me is a stereo filter with voltage controlled resonance. It features eight filter modes and zero-delay feedback.

- Simple and effective 6hp stereo VCF
- 8 filter modes available with meta CV scanning, famous zero-delay feedback Grand Terminal filters
- Additional hi-pass filter in series quickly cuts the boomy low end
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 1 in stock $156.35
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