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Diagonal Vinyl & CDs

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Diode (12")
Cat: DIAG 067. Rel: 23 Jan 25
Deep House
Darkwhirl (3:28)
Crimewave (3:46)
Tripwire (3:55)
Shapeshift (3:54)
Antibiotics (3:32)
Polarity (3:06)
Review: Diagonal Records gives itself over to Australian rising star Jonus Eric, who is sure to have a big year if this is anything to go by. His new EP follows on from a fine recent outing on Gerd Janson's Running Back and once again it finds him serving up six tracks of sample-rich, psychedelic house music with a loveably rase aesthetic. it; shard not to hear the sounds of Theo Parrish echoing through the mechanical house sounds of opener 'Darkwhirl' then the funk-driven 'Crimewave' cuts more loose, the gnarly 'Shapeshift' contorts body and mind and 'Polarity' is a 90s IDM-infused finale. What a trip!
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 in stock $14.18
Metals (LP)
Cat: DIAG 068. Rel: 06 Feb 25
And Away I
And Away II
And Away III
And Away IIII
Tilts I
Tilts II
Tilts III
Tilts IIII
 in stock $16.28
As Sure As Night Follows Day
Cat: DIAG 024LP. Rel: 21 Sep 15
Oblique Axis (0:58)
Let's Go (1:18)
Wholly Unaware (3:35)
Champagne Walk (2:24)
Rave Splurge Noise FM (1:11)
Improvisation #1 (3:09)
In The Air Today (3:07)
Gas Attack (3:44)
Interlude (3:08)
Drive (Minimal) (2:16)
Heavy Handed Sunset (2:50)
Underwater Electronic Struggle (3:19)
Confirmation Of Our Worst Fears (2:41)
Hardwax Flashback (3:26)
Broken Mantra (2:53)
Extended Industry Knowledge (For Oscar) (4:34)
N0!se Rave (4:02)
Review: UK noise maverick Russell Haswell has had an impressive, star-studded career, and we're pleased to see that he's sticking close to the underground thanks to his recent friendship with Powell's Diagonal imprint. After a series of appearances for the lo-fi imprint, Haswell comes through with an album, a whopping seventeen tracks of brutal power electronics and quasi techno. This is the sort of shit you can stand back and be thrown backwards by, or exactly the sort of gear you can layer over DJ sets for added damage. There are pieces such as "Wholly Unaware" and "Gas Attack", which do verge onto the 4/4 sphere. In any case, this is some serious stuff and it comes hotly recommended
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 in stock $14.18
Deep Time
Cat: 62711. Rel: 18 Apr 25
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est. release 18 Apr 25 $38.34
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13 (LP1)
Cat: DIAG 050LP1. Rel: 14 Nov 24
Russell Haswell - "Heavy Handed Sunset (Autechre Form Conversion)"
Viviankrist - "Creatures"
Powell Tillmans - "Stairwell"
NHK - "Binah"
Russell Haswell - "Hypersonic"
Review: Diagonal celebrates its 13th anniversary with a 4x12" release, highlighting both long-time label artists and notable collaborators. LP1 kicks off with a dark, atmospheric remix of Russell Haswell's 'Heavy Handed Sunset' by Autechre, transforming their 2016 version into something more intense. Label boss Powell joins forces with Turner Prize winner Wolfgang Tillmans for a quirky pop experiment, while NHK and Viviankrist deliver moments of striking beauty. Russell Haswell's nod to Cybotron rounds out the set, embodying the boundary-pushing, eclectic spirit that Diagonal has championed for over a decade.
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 in stock $26.00
13 Vol 2
13 Vol 2 (12")
Cat: DIAG 050LP2. Rel: 16 Jan 25
Powell - "Nomad" (Regis remix) (8:12)
Novoline - "Miasme Drumapella" (4:21)
Streetwalker - "Limelight" (5:03)
Patio - "Skin Careless" (DJ Tool) (4:48)
Stabudown Productions - "Moody Runes" (5:55)
 in stock $25.73
Sound System Persepolis
Cat: DIAG 065. Rel: 11 Jul 24
Review: Sound System Persepolis isn't really designed for home listening, but was built to take advantage of high end, multi-channel rigs, the likes of which night be found in an art gallery hosting an installation, or a club. Although what's here isn't really going to work for many crowds, which is precisely the point. Brutal, diagonal - like the label carrying it - and wildly avant garde, phrases like 'machine music' are often used in conjunction with electronic noises, but in this instance is probably the only way to describe what's here. Written specifically for live performance, the abrasive elements are as wild as they are wonderfully conceived, ensuring even at the most staccato and intense end of things there's plenty to appreciate about the artistry at play. Experimentalism in a mind-boggling sense.
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 in stock $16.80
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