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2hp ADSR 4-Stage Linear Envelope Module (silver)
2hp ADSR 4-Stage Linear Envelope Module (silver) (envelope generator synth module)
Cat: 638779 Rel: 21 Feb 17
Four stage linear envelope module in 2HP.
Notes: ADSR is a four stage linear envelope with two expressive ranges. Each stage can be modified independently allowing for the creation of complex, multi-segment envelopes. Great for modulating filters, VCAs, and oscillators.
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 1 in stock $107.88
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quote 638779
2hp Arp Gate-Driven Arpeggiator Module (black)
2hp Arp Gate-Driven Arpeggiator Module (black) (CV modulation/quantizer/sequencer synth module)
Cat: 686008 Rel: 08 May 18
Gate-driven arpeggiator
Notes: Arp is a gate-driven arpeggiator with a multitude of chord types and playback modes. Voltage control over both root note and chord type allow for sequencing any combination of chords in any key imaginable.

With the rate of the arpeggio and reset capability in your own hands, you're free to create dynamic rhythmic melodies from your favourite chords. Take your tonality for a ride with Arp.
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 1 in stock $106.85
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quote 686008
2hp Brst Voltage Controlled Burst Generator & Trigger Delay Module (silver)
Cat: 638777 Rel: 21 Feb 17
Voltage controlled burst generator & trigger delay module
Notes: Brst is a voltage controlled burst generator and trigger delay. Upon receipt of a gate signal, Brst will output a stream of triggers. Knobs and CV inputs give the user control over speed and the number of repetitions. Whether you're generating bouncing balls, crafting IDM drum beats, or humanizing a clock signal, Brst will prove an indispensable addition to your rack.
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 2 in stock $80.91
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quote 638777
2hp Buff Buffered Multiple Module (black)
2hp Buff Buffered Multiple Module (black) (multiple/utility synth module)
Cat: 725420 Rel: 19 Mar 19
2HP Eurorack buffered mult module - black
Notes: The 2hp Buff is a buffered multiple capable of splitting an input signal to multiple outputs. Due to its active architecture, inputs retain their full integrity as they are copied to multiple destinations. One input signal can be copied to six outputs, or two inputs can be copied to three outputs each. The Buff is especially great for splitting pitch or audio signals where signal integrity is critical. Keep your signals in shape with Buff.
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 1 in stock $86.88
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quote 725420
2hp Clk Voltage Controlled Clock Generator Module (black)
Cat: 686011 Rel: 04 May 18
Voltage controlled clock generator
Notes: Clk is a voltage controlled clock generator with all the features a master clock needs. It has an extremely wide range from ten seconds between pulses well into audio rate. In addition, the pause button and CV input provide an expressive feature that is all too often missing in a modular setup. Stop using LFOs or other modulation sources for your master clock, and let Clk do what it's best at.
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MRP:$94.40 SAVE 25%
 1 in stock $70.85
2hp Delay Delay Audio Processor Module (silver)
Cat: 649105 Rel: 11 May 17
Full featured delay audio processor
Notes: Delay is a flexible, full-featured delay audio processor. CV over all parameters provides dynamic access to its nuanced controls. The feedback path ranges from slapback to infinity, allowing for wild permutations of the original signal.

With delay times from milliseconds to nearly two seconds, Delay is sure to find a use in every patching situation. Add subtle echo to a melodic line, or crank up the feedback and hear a bed of layered sounds to bury your listeners in.
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MRP:$136.94 SAVE 18%
 1 in stock $112.03
2hp Div 2-Channel Voltage Controlled Clock Divider & Multiplier Module (black)
2hp Div 2-Channel Voltage Controlled Clock Divider & Multiplier Module (black) (clock modulator/digital/dual/stereo/utility synth module)
Cat: 686014 Rel: 04 May 18
Clock divider/multiplier module
Notes: Div is a 2 channel, voltage controlled clock divider and multiplier. Incoming clock signals can be multiplied or divided by a factor of 16 with a multitude of values in between.

CV inputs provide external control of the current clock rate, allowing for the creation of dynamic rhythms from a single clock signal.
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 1 in stock $101.66
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quote 686014
2hp Hat Hi-Hat Cymbal Module (silver)
Cat: 675793 Rel: 26 Jan 18
Versatile hi hat with six oscillator architecture
Notes: Hat is a hi-hat cymbal with a wild side. Finding something unique is easy with a blend of sounds ranging from robotic to metallic. At its core are three unique sound sources made up of six oscillators, a noise generator, and a number of filters. Sizzle affects each source independently, adjusting oscillator and filter frequencies, allowing for a broad range of sounds. In addition, separate trigger inputs for open and closed allow for a complete hi-hat pattern on a single module. No matter what situation it's in, Hat provides shimmering, metallic timbres for any percussive purpose.
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 2 in stock $137.97
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quote 675793
2hp Lo-Fi Analogue/Digital Degradation Emulator Module (silver)
Cat: 1046300 Rel: 18 Oct 24
Analogue/digital degradation emulator module - 2HP
Notes: Emulate the nostalgic sounds of old audio equipment with the 2hp Lo-Fi. Finding inspiration in quirks and happy accidents found in audio devices of the past, Lo-Fi can take any sound and give it the magic of tasteful degradation.
Lo-Fi carries two degradation modes: Analog and Digital. In the analogue mode, control the amount of wow and flutter for anything from subtle to dynamic pitch fluctuations, tickle the sonic spectrum with ASMR hiss and crackles, and warm up the coldest sounds with tape compression and saturation. In digital mode, dial in BitCrush amount, sample-rate reduction, and the wildest distortion in 2hp to cover your sound in digital crunch, or emulate blown out speakers.

With CV control over each function, and an ultra-crisp audio pass through, take your patch from hi-fi to lo-fi at a moment's notice. Get reel with the 2hp Lo-Fi!

Tech Specs: Width: 2HP, Depth: 45mm, Power Consumption: +12V=82mA -12V=4ma +5V=0mA
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 2 in stock $148.34
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quote 1046300
2hp Loop Sound On Sound Looper Module (black)
Cat: 766647 Rel: 15 Mar 21
Loop module
Notes: Loop is a high fidelity looper with four unique recording modes and an intuitive user interface. It can capture up to five minutes of audio with reverse, and half-speed playback accessible. Each recording can use one of four modes: Sound on Sound, Dub, Replace, and Infinite (i.e. Frippertronics). Whether you're looking for minimal part layering, or full blown ambient soundscapes, Loop will take your patch for a ride.

High fidelity audio - 24-bit, 48kHz with five minutes of recording time
Four recording modes: Sound on sound, Dub, Replace, and Frippertronics
Intuitive interface
Half speed and reverse playback

Tech Specs:
Width: 2HP
Depth: 42mm

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 1 in stock $149.38
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quote 766647
2hp Loop Sound On Sound Looper Module (silver)
2hp Loop Sound On Sound Looper Module (silver) (sampling/digital synth module)
Cat: 766646 Rel: 15 Mar 21
Sound looper module
Notes: Loop is a high fidelity looper with four unique recording modes and an intuitive user interface. It can capture up to five minutes of audio with reverse, and half-speed playback accessible. Each recording can use one of four modes: Sound on Sound, Dub, Replace, and Infinite (i.e. Frippertronics). Whether you're looking for minimal part layering, or full blown ambient soundscapes, Loop will take your patch for a ride.

High fidelity audio - 24-bit, 48kHz with five minutes of recording time
Four recording modes: Sound on sound, Dub, Replace, and Frippertronics
Intuitive interface
Half speed and reverse playback

Tech Specs:
Width: 2HP
Depth: 42mm
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 1 in stock $149.38
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quote 766646
2hp MMF Analogue Multimode Filter Module (silver)
Cat: 706868 Rel: 15 Oct 18
MMF is an analogue, multimode filter with a 12dB per octave slope.
Notes: MMF is an analogue, multimode filter with a 12dB per octave slope. Its sonic character swings all the way from classic low pass to squelchy acid lines. Simultaneous outputs of low pass, high pass, and band pass filter types are provided allowing for many variations of the input signal. Whether you're looking for smooth and creamy, or resonant and wild, MMF can go there.
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 1 in stock $123.44
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quote 706868
2hp Mult Signal Splitter Module (black)
Cat: 686028 Rel: 04 May 18
Signal splitter module
Notes: Mult is a 2 input, 6 output signal splitter. Channel 1 is normalled to channel 2 when no cable is present, allowing the user to split an input signal six ways, or two input signals with three outputs each.
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 1 in stock $37.87
2hp Mult Signal Splitter Module (silver)
Cat: 635861 Rel: 30 Dec 16
Signal splitter module
Notes: Mult is a 2 input, 6 output signal splitter. Channel 1 is normalled to channel 2 when no cable is present, allowing the user to split an input signal six ways, or two input signals with three outputs each.
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 2 in stock $35.02
2hp Play Sample Player Module (black)
2hp Play Sample Player Module (black) (digital/drum/sampling synth module)
Cat: 709207 Rel: 05 Dec 18
Compact sampler featuring Micro SD slot for easy sample loading - black faceplate
Notes: Play is a high-fidelity sample player with a full feature set.

Up to 32 samples can be loaded at a time and dynamically switched between using the file knob and associated CV input. Playback modes include one-shot, looping, or gated playback; all with extremely low latency. Transform your samples by pitching them up two octaves or down three octaves, all with a pitch knob that can be free running or quantized to semitones. The pitch CV input tracks volt per octave across its entire range and allows for musical sequencing of samples. Play ships with a pre-loaded SD card packed with loops, drum hits, and field recordings to get you up and running immediately.
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 1 in stock $146.26
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quote 709207
2hp Pluck Physical Modelling Synth Voice Module (silver)
2hp Pluck Physical Modelling Synth Voice Module (silver) (digital/oscillator/synth voice synth module)
Cat: 684048 Rel: 28 Mar 18
Karplus-Strong based physical modelling synth module - 2HP
Notes: Pluck is a physical modelling synth voice. It uses the Karplus-Strong algorithm to create plucked string sounds. The dampening control sets the size of the string and allows for dramatic timbral shifts.

The decay control changes note length from percussive transients to infinite harp sounds. In addition, four voice polyphony provides complex layered tones; all from a single sound source.

Strum a new chord with Pluck.
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 1 in stock $150.42
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quote 684048
2hp S+H Dual Analogue Sample & Hold Module (black)
2hp S+H Dual Analogue Sample & Hold Module (black) (dual/stereo/sample & hold synth module)
Cat: 686039 Rel: 08 May 18
Analog sample & hold module with two independent channels
Notes: Great for generating random voltages from white noise, arpeggios from sawtooth waves, and downsampling audio signals.
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 1 in stock $91.29
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quote 686039
2hp Slice Compact Beat Repeat/Glitch Engine Module (silver)
Cat: 901342 Rel: 31 Oct 22
The 2hp Slice is a compact beat repeat/glitch engine built to add clickless stutters, digital glitches, and more to your patch.
Notes: Get glitchy with it.

The 2hp Slice is a compact beat repeat/glitch engine built to add clickless stutters, digital glitches, and more to your patch. With an onboard Triplet button, seamlessly switch between straight beat repeats to offset triplets, perfect for those trap style fills you can't live without. With massive repeat range, and CV/Gate inputs for complex glitch sequencing, Slice is everything you need to get glitchy with it, all in 2HP.

Tech Specs

Width: 2HP
Depth: 45mm
Power Consumption: +12V=83mA, -12V=8mA, +5V=0mA

The 2hp Slice will be available in both Silver aluminium and Black PCB front panels.

The 2hp Slice ships with a 10-16 power cable and 2 Silver M3 mounting screws.
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 2 in stock $154.57
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quote 901342
2hp Swarm Hyper-Saw/Pulse Oscillator Module (black)
Cat: 1046302 Rel: 17 Oct 24
Hyper-saw/pulse oscillator Module - 2HP
Notes: Swarm is a hyper-oscillator capable of an array of patch-filling sounds. Create super-saws, tonal noise hurricanes, and thick bass and lead lines.

Swarm is comprised of a large set of oscillators (up to 88 voices!). Control the number of available oscillators with the Voices control, and dial in the desired amount of pitch variance across the voices with detune. Take Swarm's oscillators from a rich thickening of sound to atonal chaos in the turn of a knob! Swarm also provides macro pitch control with the Freq knob, which also tracks 1v/oct through its CV input. A waveform toggle is also available for switching between sawtooth and pulse waveforms, expanding the timbral palette Swarm offers! Design pumping trance leads, minimoog style basslines, and more with Swarm!

Tech Specs:

Width: 2HP
Depth: 45mm
Power Consumption: +12V=82mA -12V=4ma +5V=0mA
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 2 in stock $147.31
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quote 1046302
2hp Swarm Hyper-Saw/Pulse Oscillator Module (silver)
Cat: 1046303 Rel: 17 Oct 24
Hyper-saw/pulse oscillator module - 2HP
Notes: Swarm is a hyper-oscillator capable of an array of patch-filling sounds. Create super-saws, tonal noise hurricanes, and thick bass and lead lines.

Swarm is comprised of a large set of oscillators (up to 88 voices!). Control the number of available oscillators with the Voices control, and dial in the desired amount of pitch variance across the voices with detune. Take Swarm's oscillators from a rich thickening of sound to atonal chaos in the turn of a knob! Swarm also provides macro pitch control with the Freq knob, which also tracks 1v/oct through its CV input. A waveform toggle is also available for switching between sawtooth and pulse waveforms, expanding the timbral palette Swarm offers! Design pumping trance leads, minimoog style basslines, and more with Swarm!

Tech Specs: Width: 2HP, Depth: 45mm, Power Consumption: +12V=82mA -12V=4ma +5V=0mA
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 1 in stock $147.31
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quote 1046303
2hp Tape Stop Clock-Syncable Tape Stop Effect Module (black)
Cat: 1066107 Rel: 03 Feb 25
Synth module capturing the sound of a tape stopping.
Notes: Capture the iconic sound of tape sliding to a halt with Tape Stop, a clock syncable tape stop module that puts this classic effect at your fingertips. Originally an accidental artifact of analog tape, this effect has become a beloved tool in music genres from hip-hop to IDM. Now, it's fully controllable in your modular system.

Adjust the Lag to set the stop length, then tap Trig to activate. Hit it again to resume your audio seamlessly. With clock sync, your stops and starts stay perfectly in time, and a toggle lets you switch between momentary and latching Trig modes. Add a touch of tape magic to your modular system with Tape Stop!
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 3 in stock $153.53
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quote 1066107
2hp Tape Stop Clock-Syncable Tape Stop Effect Module (silver)
Cat: 1066113 Rel: 03 Feb 25
Synth module capturing the sound of a tape stopping.
Notes: Capture the iconic sound of tape sliding to a halt with Tape Stop, a clock syncable tape stop module that puts this classic effect at your fingertips. Originally an accidental artifact of analog tape, this effect has become a beloved tool in music genres from hip-hop to IDM. Now, it's fully controllable in your modular system.

Adjust the Lag to set the stop length, then tap Trig to activate. Hit it again to resume your audio seamlessly. With clock sync, your stops and starts stay perfectly in time, and a toggle lets you switch between momentary and latching Trig modes. Add a touch of tape magic to your modular system with Tape Stop!
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 1 in stock $143.15
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quote 1066113
2hp Trim 2-Channel Passive Attenuator Module (silver)
Cat: 635863 Rel: 30 Dec 16
2 channel passive attenuator
Notes: Trim is a 2 channel passive attenuator. It features two individual channels of attenuation.
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 1 in stock $49.53
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quote 635863
2hp Tune Multi-Scale Pitch Quantizer Module (black) (B-STOCK)
2hp Tune Multi-Scale Pitch Quantizer Module (black) (B-STOCK) (CV modulation/quantizer/utility synth module)
Cat: 1070619 Rel: 01 Jan 90
B-STOCK: Item refurbished, repaired and in perfect working order.
Notes: ***B-STOCK: Item refurbished, repaired and in perfect working order.***

Tune is a multi-scale pitch quantizer. It features 11 scales ranging from chromatic to octatonic with everything in between. In addition, the bias control allows the user to transpose the melody to a different octave or starting note.

This functionality opens up every musical mode for each of its 11 scales and provides a performable control for transforming melodies on the fly.
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 1 in stock $100.95
2hp VCA Dual Linear VCA Module (black)
2hp VCA Dual Linear VCA Module (black) (dual/stereo/VCA/attenuator synth module)
Cat: 686046 Rel: 04 May 18
Dual linear VCA module with CV input attenuator & DC-coupled inputs
Notes: The 2hp VCA is a dual, linear VCA. It uses the renowned 2164 SSM architecture, giving it extremely low distortion and high quality audio outputs. With a CV input attenuator, and DC-coupled inputs this is your new go-to module for voltage controlled amplification of audio or CV.
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Tags: VCA module
 1 in stock $101.66
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quote 686046
2hp VCA Dual Linear VCA Module (silver)
2hp VCA Dual Linear VCA Module (silver) (dual/stereo/VCA/attenuator synth module)
Cat: 638773 Rel: 21 Feb 17
Dual linear VCA module with CV input attenuator & DC-coupled inputs
Notes: The 2hp VCA is a dual, linear VCA. It uses the renowned 2164 SSM architecture, giving it extremely low distortion and high quality audio outputs. With a CV input attenuator, and DC-coupled inputs this is your new go-to module for voltage controlled amplification of audio or CV.
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Tags: VCA module
 1 in stock $96.47
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quote 638773
2hp Verb Stereo Reverb Module (black)
2hp Verb Stereo Reverb Module (black) (dual/stereo/effect/reverb synth module)
Cat: 686047 Rel: 04 May 18
Lush sounding, voltage controllable stereo reverb
Notes: Verb is a lush stereo reverb with a full feature set and superior audio quality. A wide range of reverb times take your sound from small room to never-ending concert hall.

CV over mix allows dynamic movement between the dry and reverberated sound, and the dampening control lets you dial in the perfect timbre for the wet signal. Whether you need a traditional reverb for an FX send or an esoteric sound design tool, Verb can take you there. Get lost in space with Verb.
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 1 in stock $148.34
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quote 686047
2hp Zero HP Mult Cable Splitter (green with white artwork)
Cat: 782932 Rel: 23 Jul 20
Cable splitter
Notes: Just when you thought 2HP couldn't go any smaller, the Zero HP Mult has now arrived! The ZHM a 1 to 5 cable splitter, providing utility outside your case for increased patchabilty. Whether it is sending out a master clock, modulation, or simply lengthening a cable to reach the far ends of your rack, the Zero HP Mult is ready for duty!
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 2 in stock $8.81
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