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Whodamanny works on Primaria Industria

Whodamanny 590

The Early Sounds regular links up with Unthank for a six-track 10”.

Already in the past two months there has been plenty to discuss regarding the work of Raffaele Arcella as his Whodamanny name crops up on an steadily increasing amount of work. Back in May we were talking up the Cosmic Morphology album that arrived on Periodica, where Arcella delved into all kinds of unusual experiments with a Casio CZ-101, and then shortly after a split Soichi Terada / Whodamanny 12” landed on Gravity Graffiti. It is as part of The Mystic Jungle Tribe alongside Dario di Pace and Milord, however, that Arcella has scored the biggest points, with last year’s Solaria album being a widely lauded high point for the burgeoning Early Sounds collective. Ever excellent Firecracker sub-label Unthank has had a modest start to 2016, focusing on Max D and Morgan Buckley’s Lemme Kno project with a 10” and accompanying 7”, but now Lindsay Todd’s esteemed operation is ready to tackle a new release.

Primaria Industria maintains the highly musical, hand played aesthetic that has defined Arcella’s approach to date, offering up six tracks that span brief skits and fully-fledged boogie numbers. Compared to the wayward album on Periodica, this perhaps presents one of the most balanced representations of the Whodamanny sound to date, all packaged with that unmistakable Unthank quality. The official artwork is yet to be completed, but as ever it will be a screen-printed affair to be completed in a few weeks. For now, get a taste of the tantalising leftfield disco delights across the whole EP by way of the preview stream, embedded below.

Unthank will release Primaria Industria by Whodamanny on September 1.

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A1. Iris Primum
A2. Indigo Auctoritas
A3. Crystal Aestus
B1. Iris Secundum
B2. Wise Glaciem
B3. Neuter Gyrum

Unthank/Firecracker on Juno