Listen to an improvised AV set from Anthony Child
The hour-long recording is taken from a recent collaborative performance by the man known as Surgeon and videographer Ali Wade at Café Oto.
To celebrate the recent release of his new album on Editions Mego, Maui Jungle Vol. 1, Anthony Child descended on London’s premiere space for experimental music, Café Oto, for a one off event on the Monday just passed. Teaming up with long time collaborator, photographer and videographer Ali Wade, the pair undertook a fully improvised performance in which “sound influences vision and vice versa” seems quite suited to the intimate confines of the Dalston venue. If like us, you missed this performance from Child and Wade, some degree of solace can be found thanks to Café Oto sound engineer Shaun Crook who recorded all the music which can now be streamed for your listening pleasure below.
As Child notes, the performance ended up being even more improvised than he had originally intended thanks to some faulty gear. “The Buchla Music Easel froze up at about 8 minutes into the performance so I had to restart it. Unfortunately that meant that none of the machines were synchronised anymore. Ultimately that turned out to be a good thing as it forced me to abandon any ideas and plans that I went into the performance with and only react to the environment I was in at that moment.”