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Levon Vincent teams up with Marcel Dettmann

A collaboration from the Berlin residents will appear on the next Jurassic-themed Novel Sound 12”.

After his flurry of activity around the 2009 mark, Levon Vincent distinctly put on the brakes with his musical output and nowadays takes his time in dropping chrome-plated hits but once or twice a year. In that sense avid fans have had plenty to chew on this year with a self-titled debut album dedicated to the “ugly ducklings of the world” still lingering in the distance, whether you snapped up the free download transmitted prior to release or copped one of the heavy-duty 4LP editions. More recently, rarely-spotted Novel Sound offshoot Deconstruct slipped out a new slab of Anthony Parasole goodness without any fanfare.

This is perhaps becoming their preferred style of issuing music as news arrives of a fresh Novel Sound release, primed for release today and sporting hot pink vinyl as the medium. For reasons unknown the release has been titled NS-10 T. Rex Edition, and it features a Vincent solo track “The Fear” on the A-side and a collaboration with Marcel Dettmann entitled “Vengeance” on the B-side. As Vincent explains on his Facebook page, both tracks are older productions finally seeing the light of day, with “Vengeance” coming out of several studio sessions with Dettmann that previously resulted in the “Outback” track on the 2013 LP Dettmann II. After the initial run of day-glo wax has been snapped up by the ravenous completists a standard black vinyl issue of the release will be available.

NS-10 T. Rex Edition by Levon Vincent & Marcel Dettmann is out now on Novel Sound.


A. Levon Vincent – The Fear
B. Levon Vincent / Marcel Dettmann – Vengeance

Novel Sound on Juno