New Steevio album due on Mindtours
The Animistas double LP from the Freerotation founder will be released later this month.
Freerotation festival directors Steevio and Suzybee have been at the helm of Mindtours since 2000, using the label as an outlet for the former’s own improvised, modular techno productions as well as providing a platform for like-minded artists such as Leif, Joe Ellis, and Tom Demac. A six year hiatus for the label ended in 2012 when Mindtours issued Modular Techno Vol 1, the first in a series of self-explanatory 12″s from Steevio, whose music also surfaced on the UntilMyHeartStop label run by Leif and Joe Ellis last year.
Last year also saw Freerotation expand to incorporate an in-house record label whose debut release came from The High-on-Wye Quintet, a festival supergroup formed of Move D, Juju & Jordash, Soulphiction, and Steevio. News now arrives of Mindtours intentions to release a new album from Steevio, with Animistas due out later this month and essentially his debut long player. Available to preview below, the eight track album derives from Steevio’s practice sessions for a series of live modular synth performances and is said to continue his progression into deeper, jazz-tinged techno territory.
Mindtours will releases Animistas by Steevio in late February.
A1: Codi
A2: Ailgylchu
B1: Cynnal
B2: Caru
C1: Empathi
C2: Saith
D1: Cydfodoli
D2: Cydraddoldeb