Listen to Demdike Stare’s fifth Testpressing
The Mancunian duo return for another surprise plate of noisy soundsystem cuts – listen in full here.
Demdike Stare’s Testpressing series on Modern Love is the gift that just keeps on giving. Having previously treated us to four hefty slabs of vinyl, fusing noise and techno with UK soundsystem culture, the pair yesterday released a fifth entry into the series with the usual lack of fanfare.
In case the reputation of the series and bespoke artwork from Alex Solman wasn’t enough to convince you of the merits of a fifth entry, Modern Love have uploaded the new 12″ in its entirety to SoundCloud. “Procrastination” is the kind of abstract grime that Mumdance has been firing out of late, albeit with Demdike Stare’s recognisably rough treatment, while “Past Majesty” is the kind of no wave burner we’d expect to hear Powell playing on his Melon Magic show. Listen to both below.