Meet four new Brothers
The big guns are brought out for the fourth release on the Brothers label – preview the two-track EP here.
Inaugurated late last year by the tight pairing of AnD and biological siblings Tom and Ed Russell, aka Truss and Tessela, the collaboration-focused London label has treated 2013 to some of the finer various artist 12″s, bringing together producers whom otherwise may not necessarily have the opportunity to work together. This year’s releases have included tracks from Ali ‘Perc’ Wells & Philip ‘Sync 24′ Bolland, the Greek-Austrian pairing of Cassegrain, a Neil Landstrumm and Patrick Walker (of Forward Strategy Group) collaboration, and the partnership of Lee Douglas and Milo Smee, aka Power Vacuum boss Bintus.
The label’s fourth 12″ is an all-American affair, and arguably Brothers’ highest profile release thus far. Mike Parker teams up with analogue techno pioneer Paul Birken for a pulsating “Ebriah”, while the New York connection of Donor (Greg Shappert) – also known for his collaborations with former Brother contributor Truss – and Bill Youngman hook up for the first time, delivering the industrial workout that is “Atlantic Transfer”. Preview both tracks below.