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Frap Tools 411 Quadruple Linear VCA Module
Cat: 1020297 Rel: 13 Jun 24
Quadruple linear voltage controlled amplifier module - 6HP
Notes: The 411 is a quadruple linear VCA, mixer, and multiple for audio and CV.

It consists of four linear VCAs with semi-normalled inputs and CV inputs, -6 dB attenuation switches, a mixed output, and an unpatched output.

The 411's architecture allows to use it in many ways, for example:

Processing four signals independently;
Modulating one signal with four CVS and sending it to four different destinations;
Mixing up to four signals and modulating them with the same CV;
Mixing two audio signals and modulating them with a modulated CV...

Key Features

Four DC-Coupled Linear VCAs

The 411 has four linear VCAs perfect for modulating audio signals and control voltages.

Semi-Normalled Signal and Control Inputs

The signal inputs and the CV inputs have cascaded semi-normalled connections. Every signal patched to an input also feeds the following ones, allowing for infinite combinations of sources and modulations.

Mixed and Unpatched Outputs

The 411 features an All output and an Unpatched output, just like the popular 321 module. The All output mixes the four sections, while the Unpatched only those whose local output is not going anywhere.

-6 dB Switches

The switches halve the CV input, allowing the 411 to work with both 0-5 and 0-10 voltages.

Open by Default

The VCAs are designed so that they stay open even if nothing is patched to the inputs.


Size: 6 HP
Depth: 38 mm

Current draw: 35 mA @ +12 V / 25 mA @ -12 V
Recommended warmup time: 30 min
Audio Input impedance: > 45 KO
CV Input Impedance: > 40 KO
Output impedance: ~ 100 O
Global CV offset per section: -20 to 20 mV
Frequency response: DC to 30 KHz
Harmonic distortion (THD+N): < 0.1%
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MRP:$119.30 SAVE 15%
 1 in stock $101.66
Frap Tools Brenso Entangled Sound Source Module
Frap Tools Brenso Entangled Sound Source Module (dual/stereo/LFO/ring modulator/VCA synth module)
Cat: 765932 Rel: 22 Jun 20
VCO module
Notes: One of the most exciting oscillator modules we've seen in a long time, taking a unique approach to a complex VCO. Based around two thru-zero triangle core oscillators with a wealth of timbre shaping options.

Supplier notes:
Brenso is Frap Tools' primary analog source of articulated waveforms whose degree of entanglement can be precisely set by the musician.

Its concept developed from a reflection on the very meaning of the word 'complex,' which comes from the Latin verb plector, literally meaning 'to braid', or 'to weave.' The purpose of Brenso is to update the usual approach to 'complex oscillator' by offering many threads to be woven together, rather than a pre-defined plait of controls and waveforms: this to improve clarity, manageability and offer more sonic options to the artist.

Brenso consists of three sections: two for sound generation (yellow and green), and one for sound processing (white and red).

The generation sections allow control over the two triangle-core oscillators, which can be modulated from external sources and can modulate each other's frequency too. The frequency modulation can be any combination of exponential and/or linear through zero.

The processing section is composed of a waveshaping section (white) and a last stage of amplitude modulation (red): the first provides further degrees of modulation using two parallel wave-shapers and includes PWM, blends these two with a mixer and everything is passed into a wave folder with symmetry control and a dedicated clock input with shapeable nonlinear behavior.

The result of this is passed into an amplitude modulation section (red) which can be unbalanced (AM) or balanced (RM).

The white section modulations inputs are semi-normalled by a timbre bus, which is semi-normalled to the green sine wave.

Every oscillator has a button that locks its coarse frequency to the current value. From this moment on, every twist of the 'Coarse' knob will be ineffective (but The Fine knob is still available, from small adjustments).

BRENSO's oscillators are exceptionally stable and provide rich harmonic content. This happens thanks to the two thru-zero triangle cores, which guarantee the most playable behavior and the best response to audio-rate modulation.

You won't need to find a sweet spot because BRENSO is calibrated to sound 'as expected' in any setting.

Many controls allow for complex and detailed FM sound shaping. It is possible to set the amount of exponential and linear thru-zero FM independently per each oscillator and control their amount of 'deviation' through two separate knobs or CV inputs.

(The green oscillator can also work at sub-audio rate, and can therefore become a super complex LFO.)

BRENSO's 'complex' signal path is expanded on the front panel and grouped in four 'modulation buses': two for modulating frequencies, one for modulating timbre and one for AM and RM.

The green oscillator is always the semi-normalled modulator, but any other source can be used.

The timbre modulation section has been designed from scratch and offers a versatile blend of two wavefolders, a waveshaper, and a PWM circuit.

A dedicated VCA controls the global amount of modulation to be sent to each modulation section, but the semi-normalization can be broken anytime.

An analog circuit was designed from scratch that, when excited by an external trig, opens the wavefolder above its maximum level and then closes it down with a non-linear slope, whose length can be manually regulated.

This solution can generate percussive tones with a very organic decay.

HP : 30
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 2 in stock $571.61
Frap Tools Cunsa Quad Analogue Pingable Multi-Mode Resonant Filter/Saturator/Mixer/Oscillator Module
Cat: 945399 Rel: 28 Nov 23
A quadruple analogue pingable multimode resonant filter, saturator, mixer and oscillator module in HP.
Notes: Oof. Frap casually serve up one of the best filters we've seen in a long time. Quad multimode circuits with saturation and feedback give you extensive routing options. Delicious.

Supplier's Notes:
cunsa /'cu?nsa/ s.f. [dialect of Modena of uncertain etymology, probably from a Latin *comptiare, derived from comptus, participle of comere 'organize,' 'decorate'] i curing, seasoning (of foods), tanning (of leathers).

Seasoning is crucial for cooking. It is a process that enhances the flavors, glues the ingredients together, and even adds some unexpected kick.

From a gentle refining touch to a shovelful of spice, CUNSA is the perfect seasoning tool for your patches. It can sweeten a sour lead or beef up an insipid bass line, and anything in between.

And, just like a good oil, you can even taste it by itself!

CUNSA is a quadruple analog pingable multimode resonant filter, saturator, mixer, and oscillator.

It is Frap Tools' sound seasoning tool: it can gently even a patch, applying a final touch, or it can set it on fire with a ridiculous amount of spice. It's up to you and your cooking style!

It consists of four multimode resonant filters with a custom saturation and feedback control that you can use independently or in various combinations and roles thanks to a series of seminormalizations.

Four Analogue Resonant Multimode Filters

CUNSA features four state-variable filters that can be used independently or linked and mixed. Each filter provides three behaviors simultaneously: lowpass, bandpass, and highpass. Each behavior has a 12 dB/oct slope, except for the lowpass, which can be either 12 or 24 dB/oct.

Unique 'Character' Circuit for Feedback and Distortion

CUNSA handles feedback and gain staging with extreme control and versatility. Besides the usual Q control that emphasizes the cutoff frequency, the Character circuit defines the amount of soft clipping when the filter overloads. High clipping guarantees a controlled behavior with fat tone and pure resonance, while low or no clipping lets the signal saturate the filter stages and make it scream.

V/oct Tracking and Quadruple Oscillator

Each filter responds to the V/oct signal with excellent tracking. It is thus possible to move the cutoff frequency along with the main melody or make CUNSA resonate with no input and transform it into a multiple oscillator. The V/oct inputs are seminormalled so you can control more filters with the same CV. Easy chords stabs!

Ping and Ring

CUNSA is ideal for percussive and organic tones. The Ping circuit offers a behavior similar to the BRENSO but AC-coupled. Instead of shooting the frequency to the moon with any trig, CUNSA gently responds to different incoming gates with a selectable decay curve. The Ping circuit can thus create natural decay sounds when fed with trigs or smoother envelopes with any other voltage, like a linear integrator with a custom decay.

Besides this, you can also feed the filter's audio input with trigs and make it ring at high Q settings.

Linked or Individual Filtering

The four filters can work independently or arranged in groups through seminormalled inputs and sum outputs. CUNSA can thus be a 4×1, 2×2, or a massive 1×4 filter. Even odd configurations are possible, like 1+2+1 or 3+1. Mono, stereo, or quadraphonic audio is at your fingertips.

Filter and Combo Behaviour

When the filter behavior is set to COMBINED, every control of the cutoff frequency also affects the input VCA, reducing the signal amplitude and saturation as it approaches the lowest range. It can make organic decays with the ping circuit or tame the low range at high Q and Character settings.

Four Seminormalizations for Group Use

Four inputs have a cascaded seminormalization: audio inputs, VCA CV, V/oct, and Ping. Every signal patched to a filter will thus feed also those at its right, making simultaneous use even simpler. To remove a seminormalization, simply patch a dummy cable to the corresponding input.

Analog Mixing Stage and Group Outputs

Every filter output can be routed to an analogue mix bus that sums the four filters and outputs them in three combinations: all, 1+2, and 3+4. These outputs allow for versatile audio processing. Just like we did with FUMANA, we added a gentle shelving EQ for the higher frequencies of the All output to provide additional timbral variety.

CV Inputs with Attenuators

Besides the seminormalled inputs, every filter features additional CV inputs for cutoff frequency, Q, and Character, each with a dedicated attenuverter.
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MRP:$911.89 SAVE 14%
 2 in stock $787.39
Frap Tools Falistri Analogue Multi-Purpose Movement Manager Module
Frap Tools Falistri Analogue Multi-Purpose Movement Manager Module (clock generator/envelope generator/frequency divider/LFO/oscillator/ring modulator/slew limiter/VCA synth module)
Cat: 690924 Rel: 21 Jan 19
Fully analogue multipurpose movement manager module - 18HP
Notes: The Falistri is a fully analogue multi-purpose movement manager designed to generate and edit voltages to easily accomplish any patch.

The module can be divided into two big parts: in the upper two-thirds of the panel take place two specular function generators, while the lower third is composed of a dual cascaded frequency divider, a linear slew limiter, and a four-quadrant multiplier.

Key features:

Two Function Generators: Envelopes, LFOs, Oscillators
Adjust the Shape Without Changing the Time
Exclusive Shapes per Stage
Trig Buttons: Play Those Envelopes!
Three Play Modes (Voltage-Selectable)
Interacting Functions: Quadrature Mode
All the Outputs, Everywhere
Cascaded Frequency Dividers
Four-Quadrant Multiplier
Linear Slew Limiter

Size 18 HP
Depth 38 mm

Current draw
170 mA @ +12 V
170 mA @ -12 V
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 1 in stock $392.13
Frap Tools I CGM Creative Mixer Insert Module
Cat: 1018168 Rel: 17 May 24
Dual/stereo, effect, external & mixer module - 6HP
Notes: The insert module allows you to connect stereo effects to your CGM setup, either by inserting them between two points of the internal summing bus or by placing them in parallel, as in a rudimentary stereo send-and-return.

It consists of two couples of outputs and inputs with dedicated gain switches. The first O/I stereo couple is the insert circuit, while the second is the parallel circuit.

The Insert module can be used:

between a group and a master;
between a group and a group;
between a channel and a group;
between a channel and a channel;
between a channel and a master (without a group).
The Insert module ships with two Insert cables compatible with every member of the CGM family, including the discontinued ones.

Flexible placement

The insert can effortlessly sit between every CGM module. Use it between a group and a master as an end-of-chain bus, or between two series of channels of the same group to create a channel subgroup with independent solo-in-place controls.

Stereo insert circuit

This circuit overrides the internal summing bus and allows you to route whatever sum goes into the insert module through your favourite stereo effects.

Stereo parallel circuit

A second out-in circuit remains parallel to the main one, excellent for adding stereo ambiance effects to the main sum.

Gain switches

The outputs and inputs provide three degrees of attenuation and matching amplification to scale the signal to most of the audio equipment out there.


Size: 6 HP
Depth: 38 mm
Current draw: 35 mA @ +12 V / 35 mA @ -12 V

Recommended warmup time: 30 min
Audio input impedance: > 30 KO (mono)
Audio output impedance: =100 O
Maximum output level before clipping: = 17 dBu
Frequency response: 0.01 to 40 KHz
Harmonic distortion: < 0.3 %
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 1 in stock $131.75
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quote 1018168
Frap Tools USTA 4-Channel Sequencer Module (black)
Frap Tools USTA 4-Channel Sequencer Module (black) (sequencer/clock generator/quad/quantizer synth module)
Cat: 731214 Rel: 15 Oct 19
4-channel sequencer - 36HP
Notes: USTA is a 4×4 tracks sequencer for voltages and gates with variable stage duration, designed to quickly see and edit multiple voltage relationships in real time.

Variable stage duration means that every single stage duration can be individually set in relation to the clock, instead of being constrained to a one-to-one ratio (i.e. one stage per every clock impulse).

4×4 tracks means that every stage can store and generate up to four separate voltages (two CVs and two gates), and that up to four independent stage sequences can be arranged into as many different tracks.

Its architecture is based on an array of 16 'Stages' which form a 'Pattern'; 16 patterns form a 'Track', and four tracks form a 'Project'. Within each track, each stage can provide two gates and two CVs, and a wide set of options is available to define and modify the value of each output ('Layers') and the way it is played ('Colours').

Every Stage is related to a dedicated stepped encoder for quick and intuitive editing, and all the 16 encoders are arranged in an oval layout with a circular playhead. Every encoder is surrounded by a ring of 16 LEDs and a RGB led, to provide a visual feedback of the current setting of that step basing on the layer you are working on (like raw CV, quantized CV, length, gate...) and the way it should play depending on the RGB colour.
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 1 in stock $682.62
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quote 731214
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